REQ: identities of these choppers (mil + civ)

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REQ: identities of these choppers (mil + civ)

Post by EHAM »

Hi all,

Can someone help me with the 'real' identities of these three helicopters at Pitt Meadows (BC, Canada)?
93(7)4 UH-1 '436th AW'
black Ecureuil with 'X165K05-7-1' on the fuselage
black Ecureuil with 'NOX17J' on the tail

It looks like some helicopters used in movies to me.

Some photos:


Many thanks for the help!

Joost de Wit
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Re: REQ: identities of these choppers (mil + civ)

Post by timk519 »

I just saw NOX17J in an episode of "Sanctuary" titled "Next Tuesday"
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Re: REQ: identities of these choppers (mil + civ)

Post by Stoney3K »

timk519 wrote:I just saw NOX17J in an episode of "Sanctuary" titled "Next Tuesday"
Given the NOX17J is the rear airframe in the photo, they did quite a good job at patching her up for use as a set piece.

Obviously she's not airworthy, but given the state the fuselage was in when the photo was taken there was some serious effort put into making the airframe look like it's a real chopper. The shots with the helicopter flying were probably taken with the actual airframe as a hanging set piece, mixed with CGI shots. The interior was also redone for several shots, by the looks of it.

I haven't seen the tail number of the aircraft anywhere but this thread and a reference to the same scrap yard in BC, so the tail number may have changed or fictional, as I don't recall NOX### being an actual tail number format. Canadian choppers use the C- prefix, and if it were to be a US craft there would have been a 4 number November registry on the tail. The fake tail number may also have been intentional, to avoid confusion with actual aircraft (as the airframe is, obviously, written off.)

British Columbia is a site that hosts a lot of Science Fiction and fantasy projects, and I know of at least one real aircraft that's been used in the opening of Stargate Atlantis (C-FMCL, an AS-355, operated by Omega Air, used as O'Neill's personal helicopter), and it's possible the other two airframes were used in some film or TV project as well. There's also a good chance that this craft will end up in the ends of a simulator builder once the Sanctuary crew is done with it.

I can post some screencaps with footage of the craft, but I'll refrain from that for now because, strictly, it would be violating NBC Universal (SyFY)'s copyright.
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