RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Stefan »

Orange Lion and second F-16 just took off from Volkel, probably on their way to Aalborg.
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by maurits »


For everyone who are interested, some serials from participating aircraft:
J-008 and J-015 312sq Orange demo
J-866 313sq
N-321 Hunter Hist Flt
C-130J-30 B-538 721
C-17A 452AMW/March 05-5138
2x Ef2000 jg73
1x Hawk T1
ZG729/127 Tornado GR4
P-3C Us Navy
P-3N 333 skv ?
2x EH-101 Esk722
1x EF2000 (30+61) GAF/WTD61?
JAS39C 39281 SwedAF + 1x JAS39D
8x F-5E patrouille de suisse
Pc-9 6/7x Wings of storm/Croatian Af
L-39 Baltic Bees

more to follow....

source: Flyvevabnet-Aalborg:
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 259&type=3


Last edited by maurits on 10 Jun 2012, 20:13, edited 1 time in total.
kind regards,

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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Typhoon3030 »

1x EF2000 (30+61) GAF/ JG 74 fly display by EADS Pilot
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Olli J. »

Typhoon3030 wrote:1x EF2000 (30+61) GAF/ JG 74 fly display by EADS Pilot
The Display was performed by 30+82 without badge. There were also 30+45 and 30+62 both JG73.

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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by maurits »

Some more rainy additions from Facebook:
F-16am E-607 flying
eh-101 M-514
jas39d 39824/824
Mc-130h/p Usaf
An26 HungAf ?
kind regards,

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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Arjan »

Raw log;

Static A
C-17A 55139 452 AMW
E-3A LX-N904451 NAEWF
KC-135R 62-3565/D 351 ARS / 100 ARW
H-500 H-206 Preserved
CM-170 230/2-HA Private OY-FGA
Let 29 09 (red) Private, OY-LSD
Yak-52 SE-KDC

Flightline near Static A:
F-16A FA-121, FA-126 BAF
F-16A J-008, J-866 313 Sqn
F-16A J-015 Klu Demo Team
EF-2000 30+45 JG 73
EF-2000 30+82 No Badge
MIG 29UB 15 1 elt
MIG 29 56 1 elt
CN-295 011 Polish AF
JAS-39C 281/284 Sw AF
PC-9 066, 067, 069, 062, 055, 059, 057 Croat AF
F-5E J-3088, J-3085, J-3091, J-3081, J-3082, J-3092, J-3083 Pattr. de Suisse
Let 39 10 Baltic Bee
NF-5A 3072, 3048, 3058, 3046, 3023, 3052 Turkish Stars
NF-5B 4001, 4020 Turkish Stars
Spitfire RW386/D-NG Private, SE-BIR
C-47A K-682 Private, OY-BPB
CF-104 R-825 Stored
RF-35 AR-113 Karup Draken Team
F-84E/G KP-K Stored
MiG-15 014 Polish AF,
AL-III M-070 Preserved, from Alborg Marinemuseum
KZ- VII 0-619 Private, OY-ATM, dismantled wings on trailer.
Chipmunk T-20 P-140 Private, OY-ATR
Chipmunk T-20 (P-139) Private, OY-AVF
Sk-16 16068/71 Flot 9 Markings Private SE-FUD
Sk-16 16073/73 Flot 1 Markings Private SE-FVU

Revetment Area west of Static A:
Beech ZK-450/J RAF
C-160D 69-034 Turkish AF
AN-32 727 Croat
EH-101 M-517 Esk 722 (also flying)
EH-101 M-513 Esk 722 RESCUE Titles

Static B:
Fokker D-21 J-49 Frame only, in museum tent

Static C:
T-17A T-410 Flyveskolen
L-4A 42-15272 Private, OY-ECV
L-18C Y-652 Private, OY-AZR

Static D:
EH-101 M-519 Esk 722
EH-101 M-514 Esk 722 RESCUE Titles
Super Lynx Mk-90B S-134 Esk 723 (also flying)
AS-332 T-339 Swiss AF (also flying)
P-3C 3299 Norwegian AF
P-3C 163290/290 VP-30
MC-130H 87-0024 7 SOS
MC-130P 66-0220 67 SOS
CL-604 C-080 Esk 721
An-26 71386 138 MTAE / Serbia AF
C-21A 84-0111 76 ALS
JAS-39D 39824 Swed AF
EF-2000 30+62 JG 73
Hawk T-1A XX158 RAF
An-2R 40 Lennubaas / Est AF
Tornado GR-4 ZG729/127
Xingu 086/YI AdlA

In hangars behind static D:
Draken cockpit only, mock up from Karup?
C-130J-30 B-537 Esk 721
Griffin ZJ703 60 Sqn
Hunter N-321 (also flying)
F-16A E-603 Esk 730
F-16B ET-199 RDAF
EH-101 M-520 Esk 722

Flying from near static D:
AS-550 P-319, P-276 Esk 724

Flying Only
C-130J-30 B-536 Esk 721
F-16A E-602 RDAF, demo in morning
T-17A Baby blue 4 X (T-421, T-413, T-428, T-422???? Confimation needed!!)
F-16A E-074, E-596, E-075, E-107,E-004, E-005, E-007, E-011, E-598, E-604 +2
F-16B ET-198 +1
16 F-16'S performed a base attack. Take off from Skrydstrup and RTB, except below two which landed after b/a
F-16A E-174, E-602
Another four F-16's made a pass in the afternoon but remained unread.

Very nice airshow, allthoug not easy for photography as almost no aircraft on the static had fences around them so everyone could walk freely. Only the a/c on the flightline could be photographed normally. Distance to the runway was not to far. Display lines were sometimes really close to the crowd. Positioning was on the north of the airfield. This didn't matter much because the weather was really bad. Low cloud ceiling, lots of rain. By that time some shows had allready been cancelled, no Polish Mig, Patrouille de France (not seen but the transport was there), Turkish Stars...the Dutch Viper took off and flew a weather recce and after two high speed low passes decided to call it a day!
The show flown by the Danish F-16 Demo with a very low cloud ceiling was a spectacular view by the way!

Again, too bad about the weather but a very, very nice show!

Parked east side of airfield:
C-160R R-207 AdlA
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Wrecks »

Arjan wrote:Raw log;
T-17A Baby blue 4 X (T-421, T-413, T-428, T-422???? Confimation needed!!)
The T-17s were T-413, T-421, T-427 and T-428.
The base flight hangar had T-409
The PdFrance Alpha Jets were parked next to the C-160NG (not able to log them)


For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Olli J. »

The last two of the 16 F-16 flyby were ET-613 and E-607.

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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Wrecks »

Olli J. wrote:The last two of the 16 F-16 flyby were ET-613 and E-607.
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Thanks for that, but we still need one.
The total known now is 15.


For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Arjan »

Thanks for the updates!!
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Olli J. »

Arjan wrote:Thanks for the updates!!
No problem guys but there are still some differences particularly at the F-16's. Your E-174 was E-194 (special tail). 3 flying F-16's we could not read. Morning Demo was E-605, not E-602.
Here's my military log, aircraft in bold flew...

BAF FA-121 F16AM
BAF FA-126 F16AM
CroatAF 055 PC9M krila oluje c/s
CroatAF 057 PC9M krila oluje c/s
CroatAF 059 PC9M krila oluje c/s
CroatAF 062 PC9M krila oluje c/s
CroatAF 067 PC9M krila oluje c/s
CroatAF 069 PC9M krila oluje c/s

CroatAF 727 AN32B
DAF B-536 C130J
DAF B-537 C130J
DAF C-080 CL604
DAF C-168 CL604 spec tail
DAF E-004 F16AM
DAF E-005 F16AM
DAF E-007 F16AM
DAF E-011 F16AM
DAF E-017 F16AM
DAF E-070 F16AM
DAF E-074 F16AM
DAF E-075 F16AM
DAF E-107 F16AM
DAF E-194 F16AM spec tail
DAF E-602 F16AM
DAF E-603 F16AM
DAF E-604 F16AM
DAF E-607 F16AM

DAF ET-199 F16BM
DAF ET-613 F16AM
DAF M-514 EH101 rescue 14
DAF M-517 EH101
DAF M-519 EH101
DAF P-276 AS550
DAF P-319 AS550
DAF S-134 SLynx

DAF T-410 T17
DAF T-413 T17 baby blue c/s
DAF T-421 T17 baby blue c/s

DAF T-425 T17
DAF T-427 T17 baby blue c/s
DAF T-428 T17 baby blue c/s

EstAF 10 L39 baltic bees c/s
EstAF 40 AN2R
GAF 30+45 EF2000
GAF 30+62 EF2000
GAF 30+82 EF2000 no badge
NATO LX-N90451 E3A
RNOAF 3299 P3C
PLF 011 C295M camo
PLF 15 MIG29UB spec tail
PLF 56 MIG29 spec tail
RAF XX158 HawkT1A
RAF ZG729/127 TornGR4A
RAF ZJ703 GriffinHAR2
RAF ZK450/J B200
RNLAF J-008 F16AM denmark deko
RNLAF J-015 F16AM spec c/s
SerbiaAF 71386 AN26
SWF 39284 JAS39C
SWF 39281 JAS39C
SWF 39824 JAS39D
SwissAF J-3081 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3082 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3083 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3085 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3088 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3090 F5E patr suisse c/s
SwissAF J-3091 F5E patr suisse c/s

SwissAF T-339 AS532UL
THK 3023 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 3046 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 3048 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 3052 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 3058 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 3072 NF5A turkish stars c/s
THK 4001 NF5B turkish stars c/s
THK 4020 NF5B turkish stars c/s
USAFE 62-3565 KC135R
USAFE 66-0220 MC130P
USAFE 84-0111 C21A
USAFE 87-0024 MC130H
USAF 05-5139 C17A
USN 163290 P3C
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Padidiver »

I do miss this array of mostly "sportmuggen"

Static A (behind C-17)

Grumman AA-1B OY-CLJ
Beech V35B Bonanza OY-DJZ
Bolkow junior OY-BVP
Cessna 650 Citation III OY-JPJ North Flying
EC145 D-HDPP DRF Luftrettung
Gates Learjet OY-CCJ North Flying
Mooney Ovation 2 OY-OST
Partenavia P.68 OY-CAC CAT
Piper ? OY-PHD
Piper Cherokee 140E OY-BGB
Piper Cherokee pathfinder OY-BAG
Piper PA-44 Seminole OY-PEM BAC
Rockwell Commander 114E OY-FIN
Robinson R22 Beta II OY-HPC

Press chopper flying around

EC120B OY-HTK/1220

also the airport was busy, and mentioned in the program (don't think I have them all)

Airbus 320 EC-KDG Vueling
Airbus 320 TC-OBH Onurair
Boeing 737-800 LN-NOB Norwegian
Fairchild Metro OY-NPD North Flying
Fokker 70 PH-KZI KLM

and some more:

Flying in flypas and in Static A

Hughes 500M N650AG

Also in hangars behind static D:

T-17 T-425 in Hangar

and read from photo:
F-16AM in Flypass E-004, E-005, E-007, E-070, E-107, E-596, E-598, E-604, E-074?
F-16BM in Flypass ET-613, ET-022
F-16AM in later flypass E-601

hope it helps, Pieter
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by F17_114PM »

Hi, anyone a serial for the F-84 KP-K? Thank´s a lot :-)
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Arjan »

Hi Olli,

Thanks for the log with the Vipers.
Didn't you forget the Croatian AF PC-9 066?
Also Merlin M-520 was parked in the hangar with the two Vipers and Dutch Hunter.
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Re: RDAF Air Show Aalborg 10 June

Post by Gotham »

The F-84 is 51-9792 whit tail and rudder from 51-10094.


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