3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan

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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Dom »

Sud-Ouest wrote:I heard that the Qatar C17 was canceled and that apparently an Italian Tornado and Eurofighter were added.
Where do you have seen that information ?

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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Jaap »

If I read this blog (on election day) correctly the Meeting Nationales (Avord/Mont de Marsan/Evreux) are cancelled and will be reduced to Journées Porte Ouvertes during a one-day event (at best). :cry:

Main reason: budget cuts.

Now we only need some confirmation

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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Sud-Ouest »

It looks pretty bad, but we'll know more next week.

Someone at Aviapassion got this message from Avord:
"INFORMATION IMPORTANTE L'organisation des Meeting de l'air 2012 change.
Pour la BA 702, le "meeting du centenaire" fait place au "Centenaire de l'aviation à Avord".
Grand changement : l'ouverture au public se fera uniquement le dimanche 1er juillet (le samedi 30 juin est réservé aux spotters et aux répétitions des démonstrations) mais l'entrée sera gratuite pour tous.
De plus amples renseignements vous seront donnés dès lundi prochain (dans l'après midi).
Source : cellule communication BA 702 Avord"
So Avord will be open for the general public on Sunday only. There will be no entry fee.
The base is open for spotters on Saturday.
More information will be given starting from Monday.
Communication department Avord.

The websites for the Mont de Marsan and Evreux shows are not working at the moment.

For those who speak French, some more here:
http://portail-aviation.blogspot.fr/201 ... l?spref=fb


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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Tigerspoon »

It's a =censored= joke isn't it!??! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by frank kramer »

Apparently not :evil: . The trouble is that there is no official news from the French AF yet, just (worrying) rumours. All official contacts were frozen last week, without explanation; websites went offline. The blog quoted by Jan mentions that the JPO's have been downgraded as well: all previously-booked participating warbirds have been cancelled, as are apparently all "participants exterieures". This could mean anything, ranging from "just" the civil participants to all participants not belonging to the French military (including foreign participants) or even all participants not belonging to the home-team :shock: . In the end, there's nothing anyone can do except wait for official French press-releases, due Monday at the soonest... Doesn't look good though...

Edit: looking at the title of the topic in the header of my message, I guess "Meeting de l'Ai" sums it up nicely :cry:
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Tigerspoon »

It's some kind of a thing i can't believe in any ways. They are doing planning for the last months; enthusiasts are going to plan a long trip to join the event, and just less than 1 month in advance they recognize that they have no money and cancel the event??!! (if those rumours become true)
Sorry but that's an absolutely NO GO!!!
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by frank kramer »

So far, the talk is about downsizing (true, in a rather BIG way...), but not about cancelling outright... Let's wait and see. (And, if the rumours turn out to be true, a NO GO indeed)
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Sud-Ouest »

As Frank said, it seems that there will be a one day event for all three shows. The blog http://lemamouth.blogspot.fr hints on this happening.

We'll wait for next week to see what's going to happen, but I agree with you guys that it sounds like a bad joke. If you look at the line up that was presented for the Avord show (Qatari Mirage 2000's and Slovak Mig 29) it is a real shame if this event would be canceled/if these planes would not show up. But I just checked and even the site for Avord is now also closed, so we can only wait and hope for the best.

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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by patrouilles »

Good evening Guys.

I would advise you to be careful with that article on "Lemamouth" blog. However, what is clear is that it is not a joke. What is unclear is what will be announced exactly.

So, please be patient til the official statement.

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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by TopGun31 »

Official answer from the meetingair.fr blog :
Depuis vendredi soir, de nombreuses informations circulent sur le Net à propos des meetings de l'air 2012. Certaines sont avérées, d'autres partiellement exactes.
Dans un souci de clarté et pour vous permettre de vous (ré)organiser, voici le point de la situation.
Actuellement, les seules informations à retenir sont les suivantes :

- Les meetings de l'air n'auront pas lieu cette année sous le format prévu
- Ils sont remplacés par des journées (1 sur chacune des 3 bases) de la Base aérienne le dimanche uniquement
- Il y aura une activité aérienne avec des aéronefs français uniquement
- Un spotters day sera maintenu le samedi après-midi pour ceux qui le souhaitent et au regard des inscriptions déjà prises

Toutes les modalités n'étant pas encore définies, un complément d'information vous sera communiqué lundi soir ou mercredi prochain.
Grossly translated it gives :
Since friday night there has been numerous informations on the Internet about the 2012 airshows held by the French Air Force. Some are true, others are partially true.
For clarity and to ensure anybody can reorganize his trip, here is what is happening :

- the airshows will NOT be held as previously announced.
- they are replace by 1 day on the airbase, only on sundays, on the 3 bases previously planning an airshow (Evreux, Mont de Marsan, Avord).
- there will be an aerial activity, but ONLY FRENCH AIRCRAFT WILL FLY.
- a spotter day will happen on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS for those who are already registered and wish to maintain their registration.

All definite decision have not been made yet and a supplement of information will be given on monday evening or next wednesday.
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by Ewald »

Have a look at this: http://www.meetingair.fr/

With using the Google-Translator it looks like reducing the three events to only Sunday and a Spottersday on Saturday.
No flying participants from outside France.

It seems, that many of us have to do changes in the Hotel-Reservations!
:cry: :cry:

Ooooh, I was to slow with writing...
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Re: 2 - 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan - Meeting de l'Ai

Post by michel N »

I guess it will be busy in Sweden then.....
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Re: 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan

Post by Tigerspoon »

Anyone for some news about!?
Okay we only will have a Open House on Sunday the 03d June with the resident aircraft being on Static and hopefully on Flying!!? And what goes on further more!?!? Anyone!?!?
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Re: 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan

Post by bubzy »

i have confirmation for the meeting of Mont de Marsan.

Only sunday, free entrance.

open at 11am, and start off dynamic presentation at 2pm

Only french governemental planes will be present. With Mirages, rafales, Transall, helicopters from ALAT, etc.

No team or planes from other countries

and sorry for my poor english.
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Re: 3 June 2012 - BA118 Mont de Marsan

Post by Tigerspoon »

bubzy wrote:i have confirmation for the meeting of Mont de Marsan.

Only sunday, free entrance.

open at 11am, and start off dynamic presentation at 2pm

Only french governemental planes will be present. With Mirages, rafales, Transall, helicopters from ALAT, etc.

No team or planes from other countries

and sorry for my poor english.

Okay thanks for the answer. That's something to work with!!
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