@Tomba, angle is great, light is superb!..very nice dude!
@Hans, kuddo's for the pentax and your editing, very nice!
@John de Winter, your compo's are great as well, just a tad too blue on my screen, perhaps you do not have a good monitor profile, cause it looks to be a simple adjustment and your right on track..
I'm just continuing to mention all posters..

@ Dirk Jan, very nice dude, you prove your skills like in your book, your Apache shot is awesome!
@Katabatik, Nikon rules! At least i think you use Nikon... Very nice shots dude!
@Cornholio, your compo's look great, your whitebalance is a bit off, try and fix that and you'll have some great stuff.. Also check your your sharpness in some shots, for instance the F-18, but you will have noticed that for sure, the angle and compo is great it just misses a bit of sharpness...

@Skunkworks Reinier, welcome as a new poster, some nice angles and compositions, but you also have to check your edits, a lot of blue, if it's your thing, than go ahead, but it would make your shots better if you hit the nail on the head...