ETAD 03-05-2011

ImageThe forum for all movements and news about Spangdahlem Air Base.

Forum rules
ImageMode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary
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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 798
Joined: 17 Aug 2006, 09:10
Type of spotter: Militair
Subscriber Scramble: YOXA

ETAD 03-05-2011

Post by YOXA »


Noted here between 10:00 and 11:00,

CC-150 15002 437sqn
CC-177 177703 429sqn
C-5B 87-0028 Travis
C-17A 98-0049 McChord
C-17A 01-0188 Charleston
C-17A 02-1108 McChord
C-17A 08-8197 McChord


A-10A 81-0960 81th FS
A-10C 81-0962 81th FS
A-10C 81-0976 81th FS
A-10C 81-0991 81th FS
A-10C 81-0992 81th FS
A-10C 82-0649 81th FS

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