Anyone got some storage space left for free ... f=4&t=1284 , where Johan has also posted the picture above...
F-104G Starfighter FX69 looking for new home
01 Feb 2011, 11:36
Hello all, my name is Johan. (see link ... f=4&t=1284 for his full name) and I am
the owner of BAF F-104G FX69 + the remains of FX02, FX58 and FX70.
Currently this lot is stored at Weeze Niederrhein in Germany after a move from Gosselies in 2008.
Around mid 2010 the management of Niederrhein airport has given notice that this lot has to move out as they no longer wish to support historical aviation, they do however offer rental space but that's beyond my means.
I have therefore made the decision to sell of Fouga Magister MT09 to raise money (once more) for the transportation of FX69 and parts back to Belgium.
After all it is the Starfighter that has been my favourite from childhood. But I can't begin to tell you what a costly affair this project has been so far, and continues to be. Now 3 big trucks have been programmed to transport everything to a new home.
But this is where I still need help, I haven't found a place yet and need to be out of Niederrhein by end of february.
So I am calling out to anyone with a heart for Belgian Historical Aviation and who has free space, not rental (preferably inside a hangar because the F-104 does corrode very quickly), if not then outside where the aircraft can be stored in a secure way, not to be seen from the street and safe from thieves and vandalists (yes I had both those already).![]()
Ideally somewhere around the axis Diest-Leuven. It would be a temporary stay until I have found a permanent solution.![]()
If however there would be a team of enthousiasts out there prepared to help me find a (permanent) space where this team would want to assist in the final phase of the restauration, then that would also be fine.
My ultimate goal would be to have this aircraft fully restored as one of the famous SLIVERS aircraft, put on display together with my +30 years of collecting of F-104 stuff and photos, etc almost all of belgian aircraft.
Any help suggestions welcome. I can be contacted through my private email: (see link ... f=4&t=1284 )![]()
Thank you for your interest!