ETAR 29-06-2010

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ETAR 29-06-2010

Post by Gerard »

According to DUSINFO.NET:

29 JUN 2010, ETA 1830lt, A41-207, a RAAF C-17.

....... but don't shoot the messenger :lol:

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Re: ETAR 29.06.2010

Post by TF-104G »

arr in RMS :shock:
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Le Addeur noir
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Re: ETAR 29.06.2010

Post by Le Addeur noir »

A short visit to RMS saw the following noted,

144614 CC-144A CAF,412 Sqn arr around 17.30
A41-207 C-17A RAAF,36 Sqn arr post 18.25
69-0007 C-5A AFRC,68 AS
70-0455 C-5A 137 AS,NY ANG
84-0061 bl C-5B 9 AS,436 AW
96-0053 gn C-17A 62 AW
99-0064 gn C-17A 62 AW
00-0175 gn C-17A 62 AW
06-6157 bk/wt C-17A 21 AS,60 AMW
06-6168 bl C-17A 3 AS,436 AW
07-7174 bl C-17A 3 AS,436 AW
97-0048 y C-17A 437 AW
01-0189 y C-17A 437 AW
01-0197 y C-17A 437 AW RCH399 arr 17.03
05-5142 or/y C-17A AFRC,729 AS
03-3117 C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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