LOG UK trip day 7 (17-10)

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patrick dirksen
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LOG UK trip day 7 (17-10)

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hi guys,

Today was US hardware day. We slept in the Travelodge near Mildenhall, and had heard a few Hercs in the circuit during the night already. So that had wetted our appetite!

RAF Mildenhall

C-130H, 7 SOS: 87-0024, 88-0191, 88-1803
C-130P, 67 SOS: 69-5825, 69-5806, 59-5828, 69-5832
KC-135, 351 ARS (code D): 58-0093, 58-0086, 58-0100, 60-0331, 60-0350, 62-3519, 62-3565, 63-7987, 63-8025

89-1191 C-17A 437 AW
94-0069 C-17A 437 AW
93-1561 C-130H 156 AS
57-1459 KC-135R 336 ARS
58-0095 KC-135T 319 ARW
LX-N90442 E-3A NAEW&CF

No sign of the WB-57, and not too many visitors either. But we still made some of the local stuff (good that they keep changing the inventory), and apart from that it was nice to meet Addo and colleague here (always good to put a face to a name!). Since my two friends didn't see the Hunter nearby yet we made a quick detour.

Beck Row (52º 23' 13.40" N, 0º 30' 12" E)

XG210 Hunter F.6 pr, DRA mks

This is in a private garden, but clearly visible. When I saw it a few years ago it was in one piece, but now it had the rear fuselage seperated from the rest. Don't know what is going on with it; we didn't see anyone around to ask.
Then on the the next American base nearby.

RAF Lakenheath

F-15C, 493 FS: 84-0009, 84-0014, 86-0163, 86-0171, 86-0175
F-15E, 492 FS: 91-0302, 91-0321, 91-0605, 97-0219, 97-0221
F-15E, 494 FS: 00-3003, 00-3004, 01-2003

88-26109/LN HH-60G 48 FW, 56 RQS
01-2001/LN F-15E "48 OG" which squadron does this belong to?
01-2004/LN F-15E "48 FW" same question
63319/FW-319 F-100D pr gate

We were hoping to catch one or two F-15D's, but no luck. The HH-60 was good for me though, and all of us made at least a few Eagles. Obviously all had code LN by the way.
We spent much time at both bases, but now it was time to go on.

RAF Honington (52º 20' 08" N, 0º 46' 32.50" E)

XK526 Buccaneer S.2 pr gate, no mks

Although the airfield itself is closed this is still an active base (no clue what is based however...). The Buccaneer guards the gate, and after we asked we were allowed to graph it as well.
Next stop was Little Haugh Hall, where a Yak should be based. This really is an impressive estate (definately not a farm!), with tennis courts, a hughe house and other sub-buildings, a little lake, and two grass runways with two hangars. We rang the bell, and the person that opened the door turned out to be a kind of butler! We were told that the owner of the Yak was not present, but he gave the man a call. I got him on the phone, and was told that the Yak was at North Weald after maintenance, but he was going to fly here home late this afternoon. If we wanted we were welcome to come back and wait for it. We decided to drive to Wattisham quickly and try to be back in time for this one.

Wattisham (52º 07' 56" N, 0º 58' 22.50" E)

ZH544 Sea King HAR.3A 22 sq, B flt
XT617 Scout AH.1 pr gate, no mks
(XV139) Scout AH.1 dump

Since it was Friday afternoon there was no activity on base anymore. No Apaches were seen, but at least one SAR Sea King was parked outside. We knew the dumped Scout should be present, but failed to see it first. Lucky for us we ran into a few locals and they gave us directions (the coordinates given above are the spot where it is). If you know where to look you can see it from the road that leads up to the crash gate near the threshold. At the gate we asked again if we could graph the gate guard, and that was allowed. They should also have a Gazelle preserved here, apparently with the museum near the gate. Although we tried we couldn't see it from where we stood, so we'll have to come back for an open day or so.
And then we quickly hurried back to Norton.

Little Haugh Hall, Norton (52º 15' 45" N, 0º 51' 23" E)

G-SKPH Yak-50 (c/n 853010, ex DOSAAF 58)

We were waiting near the hangar for some time, when suddenly the butler came walking to us. He had had a call that the pilot was running late, so we had to wait an hour longer. When the Yak finally arrived it was almost dark, so the pictures look very artistic. But at least we've got it! The owner is a banker in London, and he has a few more aircraft. Amongst others he is part owner of Seafire SX300 that is currently being rebuild at North Weald (with the rudder in his hangar at home). Should be another interesting warbird up in the sky some day!
And that was it for another week of hard work, finally the weekend had arrived ;-)

As always corrections, additions and comments are very welcome.

That´s all folks!

Hielko Overeem, Frank Mink & Patrick Dirksen
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Post by kvanos »

Hi Patrick,

Nice logs as always!

I was just processing your log and saw your questions. Both F-15E's (48OG and 48FW) belong to the 494th FS. MC-130P 69-5806 doesn't excist, typo for 69-5826 I guess. Was KC-135 58-0100 still wearing "100ARW"? And F-15E 97-0221 should be the 492nd FS CO bird with "492FS" markings, was it still marked like this?
For these answers and more check out http://www.ondutchwings.nl/db/usaf.php!" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;!


patrick dirksen
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Post by patrick dirksen »

Hoi Klaas,

Thanks for the confirmation on the two Eagles! The MC-130 is indeed a typo for 5826. Both 58-0100 and 97-0221 are still wearing the unit titles indeed.

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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Post by amarx »

XG210 Hunter F.6 pr, DRA mks

This is in a private garden, but clearly visible. When I saw it a few years ago it was in one piece, but now it had the rear fuselage seperated from the rest. Don't know what is going on with it; we didn't see anyone around to ask.
Image :wink:
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