Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

LOG Donauwoert 20/11/2024
74+50 Tiger UHT Heer, arrived for maintenance
76+08 BK.117D2m Lw/HSG64, hangared
79+21 NH.90TTH Heer, deep maintenance. Missing many parts and towed from one hangar to another
79+28 NH.90TTH Heer/IHAZ, outside
79+38 NH.90TTH Heer, maintenance flight
79+70 NH.90NFH Sea Tiger Marine, in the back of the military hangar. The first Sea Tiger without a 98+.. test serial!
[98+53] (79+66) NH.90NFH Marine, towed outside
[98+82] NH.90NFH …. An unidentified grey NH90 was noted in the back of the military hangar. No further details, but I think it is one for the Spanish Armada (most probably HT.29-41/01-1403)
84+39 CH-53GA Lw/HSG64, outside
84+57 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64, outside
84+64 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64, outside
85+03 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64, engine test
FAH990 BK.117D-3m F.A. Hondurena, hangared, being prepared for air transport
FAH991 BK.117D-3m F.A. Hondurena, hangared, being prepared for air transport
[D-HADB] BK.117D3 The Helicopter Company, towed. Compared to last week, now had a winch installed.
[D-HADD] HB-TIC BK.117D3 REGA. The new REGA D3 in fact get registrations in the HB-TI. Range. It is very likely that D-HADH (21190) will become HB-TIA then.
[D-HADI] (75+..) BK.117D3m Heer, hangered. Yet another one for German army. German serial only partly covered, might be readable when it is outside
[D-HADN] (D-HPBB)/2 BK.117D3 Polizei Bayern, practice approach on a flight from EDMA
[D-HADQ] BK.117D3 West Pac Rescue (red/yellow/black c/s), production flight (c/n 21337)
[D-HADP] OO-… NHV Helicopters BV, hangered after production flight (c/n 21369)
D-HADW BK.117D3 Airbus, local flight (c/n 20002)
[D-HADY] F-ZBQR? BK.117D3 Securite Civile, production flight. Since this one is already flying and
D-HBTL that I noted last week is still incomplete it is more likely that this one will become F-ZBQR (c/n 21344) and D-HBTL will become F-ZBQS (21347). Confirmation of all this is required anyway.
[D-HBKU] (19-60) BK.117D3m Cyprus National Guard, parked in a corner of the ramp, serial overtaped (c/n 21271)
[D-HBKE] (19-..) BK.117D3m Cyprus National Guard, production flight (c/n 21171). Still, no cypriote serial carried.
[D-HBTB] HZ-RC68 BK.117D3 The Helicopter Company, parked in front of delivery hangar (c/n 21329)
[D-HBTG] (D-HPBG)/7 BK.117D3 Polizei Bayern, production flight (c/n 21331)
[D-HBTR] F-ZBQQ BK.117D3 Securité Civile, towed into delivery hangar.
[D-HBTX] D-HXFQ BK.117D3 DRF Luftrettung, towed. Future registration also applied (c/n ?)
[D-HBTU] JU-…. BK.117D3 Alpha Aurora Aviation, Acceptance Flight (c/n 21343)
---- EC.135.3H primer, stored on the ramp (c/n 2289)
D-HECN EC.135P3 Airbus, engine test (c/n 0832 confirmed)
[D-HECO] EC.135.3H Norsk Luftambulanse, production flight. (c/n 2290 needs final conf.)
[D-HECS] EC.135.3H primer (c/n 2288), production flight
D-HMBB BK.117D3m Airbus, shortly outside of hangar
F-HPLH EC.135.3H Pilote Le Havre, towed outside

An unidentified Bristow H135 was in the delivery hangar and another one in another hangar in the process of being dismantled (obviously in preparation for air transport to Nigeria)
Last edited by spottervito on 04 Dec 2024, 06:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by Captain Ditch »

spottervito wrote: 14 Nov 2024, 19:19 LOG Donauwoerth 14/11/2024
79+47 NH.90TTH Heer. The very last German Army TTH is nearing completion. Towed into the military hangar.
Question: if I am correct, Germany ordered 82 NH90-TTH for the Heeresflieger. Serials however apparently run from 78+01/40 and 79+01/47, totalling 87. It seems I missed something. Anyone? TIA & cheers.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

Basically correct, 82 were initially ordered.
But 79+43/47 were later added. I am not sure if they were replacements for existing aircraft which were returned and not accepted or other reasons. There might be other experts who know better? But in fact there were 87 different airframes in use by the German Army, although not all of them at the same time.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by Captain Ditch »

spottervito wrote: 24 Nov 2024, 17:16 Basically correct, 82 were initially ordered.
But 79+43/47 were later added. I am not sure if they were replacements for existing aircraft which were returned and not accepted or other reasons. There might be other experts who know better? But in fact there were 87 different airframes in use by the German Army, although not all of them at the same time.
Thank you very much. According to the Scramble database, it seems that five were withdrawn from use. That would indeed bring the total in service back to 82.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

LOG Donauwoerth 28/11/2024
74+24 Tiger UHT Heer, engine test
74+32 Tiger UHT Heer, engine test
78+32 NH.90TTH Heer, maintenance flight
79+28 NH.90TTH Heer/IHAZ, maintenance flight
83+20 Lynx MK.88A Marine/MFG5, short intermediate stop during a maintenance flight out of Augsburg
84+25 CH-53GS Lw HSG64, maintenance flight
[98+82] (HT.29-41/01-14)03 NH.90MSPT Armada Española, hangared
[D-HADA] (14510) BK.117D3m Serbian Air Force, towed outside of delivery hangar (c/n 21266)
[D-HADH[ (HB-TIA?) BK.117D3 REGA, production flight (c/n 21190)
[D-HADI] (75+..) BK.117D3m Heer, inside flight test hangar, c/n unknown
[D-HADK] Jupiter HC.2 RAF, in open storage on the ramp (c/n unknown)
[D-HADN] (D-HPBB)/2 BK.117D3 Polizei Bayern, towed into delivery hangar (c/n 21188)
[D-HADO] (14507) BK.117D3m Serbian Air Force, towed outside of delivery hangar (c/n 21237)
[D-HADQ] BK.117D3 West Pac Rescue, towed (c/n 21337)
D-HADS BK.117D3 Airbus, hangared (c/n 20007)
[D-HADV] (75+02) BK.117D3m Heer, production flight. Future serial 75+02 clearly readable under sticker now. c/n unknown
[D-HADY] (F-ZBQR?) BK.117D3 Securité Civile, production flight, c/n 21344?, ID needs final confirmation. By the way, the first one (F-ZBQQ/21330) was reported to be flown to Nimes-Garons a few days ago.
[D-HADZ] (HB-TI.) BK.117D3 REGA, towed. Another new one, c/n and futue registration unknown so far.
[D-HBKE] (19-..) BK.117D3m Cyprus National Guard, production flight (c/n 21171)
[D-HBKV] BK.117D3 ..... A red coloured tail was visible in the back of the flight test hangar. No further details.
[D-HBTB] HZ-RC68 BK.117D3 The Helicopter Company, towed into delivery hangar (c/n 21329)
[D-HBTD] D-HXFP BK.117D3 DRF Luftrettung (c/n 21349)
[(D-H)BTI] BK.117D3 ..... an unknown blue tail was seen in a hangar. Actually only BTI read of
[D-HBTN] BK.117D3 Norsk Luftambulanse, in open storage on the ramp (c/n unknown)
[D-HBTX] D-HXFQ BK.117D3 DRF Luftrettung (c/n unknown)
[D-HECC] 5N-CDR EC.135.3H Bristow Nigeria, inside delivery hangar (c/n 2284)
[D-HECG] 5N-CDS EC.135.3H Bristow Nigeria, towed outside of delivery hangar (c/n 2285)
[D-HECO] EC.135.3H Norsk Luftambulanse, inside flight test hangar (c/n now confirmed as 2282)
[D-HECR] EC.135P3H primer (for Fuerza Aerea Española), c/n 2287
5N-CDT EC.135.3H Bristow Nigeria, towed. #4 for Bristow is ready but still missing a test registration
--- EC.135.3H primer (c/n 2294), towed
--- EC.135.3H primer (c/n 2299), towed
plus an unidentified Securité Civile H145 in the flight test hangar
plus an unidentified Polizei Bayern H145 in the flight test hangar
Last edited by spottervito on 29 Nov 2024, 09:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by TF-104G »

spottervito wrote: 28 Nov 2024, 20:21 LOG Donauwoerth 28/11/2024

[D-HADV] (75+02) BK.117D3m Heer, production flight. Future serial 75+02 clearly readable under sticker now. c/n unknown
On 14/11/24 you wrote : [D-HADV] BK.117D3m Heer, towed. Future serial '75+62' just visible under sticker. C/n unknown

Which one is confirmed now? 62 or 02?
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

defenitely 75+02. it is clearly readable in my pictures.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by TF-104G »

spottervito wrote: 29 Nov 2024, 06:29 defenitely 75+02. it is clearly readable in my pictures.
Thanks :worship: and I fogott to check your pics.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

LOG Donauwoerth 03/12/2024
74+24 Tiger UHT Heer, maintenance flight
74+50 Tiger UHT Heer, outside
74+56 Tiger UHT Heer, outside
84+39 CH-53GA Lw/HSG64, maintenance flight
84+48 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64,hangared
84+64 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64, maintenance flight
84+74 CH-53GA Lw/HSG64, engine test
85+03 CH-53GS Lw/HSG64, towed outside
[D-HADD] HB-TIC BK.117D3 REGA, inside flight test hangar (c/n 21333)
[D-HADI] 75+01 BK.117D3m Heer, production flight (c/n 21334). German serial readable under sticker
[D-HADJ] (D-HPBC)/3 BK.117D3 Polizei Bayern, hangared (c/n 21192)
[D-HADK] Jupiter HC.2 RAF,still in open storage on the ramp
[D-HADN] (D-HPBB)/2 BK.117D3 Polizei Bayern, towed outside for engine test (c/n 21188)
[D-HADY] F-ZBQR BK.117D3 Securité Civile, hangared (c/n 21344)
[D-HBKE] BK.117D3m Cyprus National Guard, production flight (c/n 21171)
[D-HBTD] D-HXFP BK.117D3 DRF Luftrettung (c/n 21349)
[D-HBTJ] BK.117D3 The Helicopter Company. This must be 21353/THC20, but I need final confirmation for this. Sitting inside flight test hangar.
[D-HBTL] (F-ZBQS) BK.117D3 Securité Civile, production flight (c/n 21347)
[D-HBTV] BK.117D3 Johanniter Luftrettung, engine test (c/n 21351)
[D-HBTX] D-HXFQ BK.117D3 DRF Luftrettung, hangared
[D-HECI] EC.135.3H primer (c/n 2292), production flight
D-HECN EC.135T3 Airbus, arrived From Bonn-Hangelar (c/n 0832)
[D-HECO] EC.135.3H Norsk Luftambulanse, engine test (c/n 2282)
unmarked BK117D3 in primer c/n 21373 was towed.
unmarked EC.135.3H c/n 2294 was towed
unmarked EC.135.3H c/n 2299 was towed
F-ZBQT BK.117D3 Securité Civile, towed. Again a new one, yet without test registration.
in the storage hangar was an unidentified Bristow EC.135, the West Pac Rescue H145 (must be D-HADQ], a NHV H145 (must be D-HADP) plus EC.135 in primer c/n 2288 (test reg. D-HECS not noted)
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by TF-104G »

spottervito wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 18:38 LOG Donauwoerth 03/12/2024

D-HECN EC.135T3 Airbus, arrived From Bonn-Hangelar (c/n 0832)
I was in Hangelar, Dataplate says only EC135 and c/n 0832 confirmed. Mfd 2010.
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Re: Donauwoerth Heliport (EDPR) CIV/MIL 2024

Post by spottervito »

TF-104G wrote: 06 Dec 2024, 19:02
spottervito wrote: 03 Dec 2024, 18:38 LOG Donauwoerth 03/12/2024

D-HECN EC.135T3 Airbus, arrived From Bonn-Hangelar (c/n 0832)
I was in Hangelar, Dataplate says only EC135 and c/n 0832 confirmed. Mfd 2010.
thanks for checking the plate - I saw your pics in FF... It gives the ultimate confirmation that it was in fact re-registered from D-HTSC to HECN.
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