Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

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Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by KeesvA »

PH-LSK alias B-64 Klu T-6 Texan overshoot the glider rwy
PH-4Q1 Blackshape Prime overhead at 1400 ft
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by R.Snijders »

Flypast bij Nationaal Militair Museum

Besluit | 24-05-2023

De Koninklijke Luchtmacht viert dat zij 70 jaar “Koninklijk” is en 110 jaar in de militaire luchtvaart. Daarvoor wordt bij het Nationaal Militair Museum een flypast gehouden met verschillende typen vliegtuigen. Dit vindt plaats 30 juni 's middags.

Does anyone know more about which aircraft/ helicopters to expect? And is it a separate event from the traditional fly past/ missing man formation?

My last question is fueled by the fact that on the site a separate entry was made:

1 juli herdenking Koninklijke Luchtmacht

Besluit | 28-03-2023

Op vrijdag 30 juni wordt op voormalige Vliegbasis Soesterberg de 1 juli herdenking van het Commando Luchtstrijdkrachten gehouden. Een deel van de ceremonie bestaat uit het uitvoeren van een flypast met een missing man-formatie van 4 jachtvliegtuigen. Tijdens een flypast verlaat 1 van de vliegtuigen de formatie ter nagedachtenis van de gevallenen.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by frdwdrn »

The 30th of June the 110th anniversary of the KLu and the 50th anniversary of the KNVOL will be celebrated at the MLM. It is a PRIVATE event. There will be a fly by of old and new aircraft at 1530 and 1545, which should be well visible from the old 09 threshold or from the dirt path from the end of the line of aircraft shelters past the glider runway. At 1600 an Apache will take off. I have no idea when it is due in. Several aircraft from the storage should by now have been put on display outside on the ramp by the museum building.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by Antilliaan »

The missing man 4-ship flypast will be held between 1045 and 1245. No exact time known yet.

So in terms of the flypast, this should be a separate event.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by Giovanni »

frdwdrn wrote: 28 Jun 2023, 23:08 The 30th of June the 110th anniversary of the KLu and the 50th anniversary of the KNVOL will be celebrated at the MLM. It is a PRIVATE event. There will be a fly by of old and new aircraft at 1530 and 1545, which should be well visible from the old 09 threshold or from the dirt path from the end of the line of aircraft shelters past the glider runway. At 1600 an Apache will take off. I have no idea when it is due in. Several aircraft from the storage should by now have been put on display outside on the ramp by the museum building.
I can confirm that the following aircraft from the depot are on display on the ramp in front of the museum at the moment, I visited the Museum this afternoon.
the aircraft are:
RNLAF Hawker Hunter
RNLAF Fokker S.14
Kon. Marine US-2N
RNLAF Alouette III "Grasshoppers demo team c/s"

I expect that the Orange Jumper and the Phantom will be rolled out of the depot on friday afternoon because the NMM said that the Orange Jumper will be on display during the 'zomeroffensief' and the Phantom is always present during the 'zomeroffensief'
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by frdwdrn »

The T-33A is a new one: M-50.
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Soesterberg 30-06-2023

Post by Rene Peteri »

Flypast bij Nationaal Militair Museum

De Koninklijke Luchtmacht viert dat zij 70 jaar 'Koninklijk' is en 110 jaar in de militaire luchtvaart. Daarvoor wordt bij het Nationaal Militair Museum een flypast gehouden met verschillende typen vliegtuigen en een Apache-gevechtshelikopter. Dit vindt plaats 30 juni 's middags.
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Re: Soesterberg 30-06-2023

Post by R.Snijders »

Net vloog een Apache al richting (voormalig) vliegveld.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by streak »

Apache Q-29 just landed at Soesterberg.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by R.Snijders »

Missing man formation F-012, F-033 (F-35A) and J-062, J-197 (F-16AM).
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by R.Snijders »

This afternoon again a formation of 2 F-35’s and 2 F-16’s flew over the former air base. Unfortunately from the position of the NMM it was impossible to tell if they were the same aircraft as “the missing man formation” earlier this day. Anyone for the serials?
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by r.e.hendriks »

R.Snijders wrote: 30 Jun 2023, 17:10 This afternoon again a formation of 2 F-35’s and 2 F-16’s flew over the former air base. Unfortunately from the position of the NMM it was impossible to tell if they were the same aircraft as “the missing man formation” earlier this day. Anyone for the serials?
In the afternoon the Tiger-flight did the fly-by: F-033, F-012. J-197, J-514

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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by witje »

Giovanni wrote: 28 Jun 2023, 23:41 I can confirm that the following aircraft from the depot are on display on the ramp in front of the museum at the moment, I visited the Museum this afternoon.
the aircraft are:
RNLAF Hawker Hunter
RNLAF Fokker S.14
Kon. Marine US-2N
RNLAF Alouette III "Grasshoppers demo team c/s"

I expect that the Orange Jumper and the Phantom will be rolled out of the depot on friday afternoon because the NMM said that the Orange Jumper will be on display during the 'zomeroffensief' and the Phantom is always present during the 'zomeroffensief'
Are these visible without entering the museum?
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by r.e.hendriks »

witje wrote: 30 Jun 2023, 19:00 Are these visible without entering the museum?
Yes they are...

In addition to the list above the J-066 was indeed outside, as well as Meteor I-19. The Phantom is parked in the back of the depot hangar, so don't expect that one outside this weekend.
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Re: Soesterberg (EHSB) 2023

Post by streak »

Martijn, this weekend the area with the planes is fenced off and only accessible when you buy a ticket for 25 Euros.
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