Kleine Brogel 13-09-2021 Sanicole departure day

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Kleine Brogel 13-09-2021 Sanicole departure day

Post by zeeuwric »


Drop your beauties in this topic:

I'll kickoff with a special on the F-16C-52+-CFF, 513 (FMS 99-1513) Viper which i think looks just awesome, love the wear on the paint, i looks worn out and used.. :P
Thats the reason i made this special:
Waiting for startup:
ImageIMG_8593 (2) by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Taxiing: (stepladder view btw)
ImageIMG_8681 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Taxiing, almost touching :worship:
ImageIMG_8687 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Full AB:
Image5C5A6960 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Gear up!
Image5C5A6971 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Saying goodbye...
Start banking left:
Image5C5A6983 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Turning right, showing more wear an tear..
Image5C5A6993 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Go Right showing it all...
Image5C5A6999 by Richard de Zeeuw, on Flickr

Whooaaa, Hope you like them also,

Greets Richard
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Re: Kleine Brogel 13-09-2021 Sanicole departure day

Post by Theo1 »

Hi Richard, thanks for inviting people to this topic.
It was a great day and well organized by the people of KeeBee. :worship:

Image513 F-16C 343 Mira by Theo Nijhuis, on Flickr

Image324/30-HW Rafale B EC 03.030 by Theo Nijhuis, on Flickr

ImageG-KAXF (N-294) Hunter F.6A DHHF by Theo Nijhuis, on Flickr

ImageMM7352/36-55 F-2000A 36St. by Theo Nijhuis, on Flickr

Image36 JAS-39C 1VS MH59 Sz.D.R. by Theo Nijhuis, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.

my pictures at:
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