Singapore-Changi 29-01-2019

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Scramble Senior
Scramble Senior
Posts: 461
Joined: 04 Jan 2008, 17:07
Type of spotter: Photography
Subscriber Scramble: Anton Homma
Location: NL

Singapore-Changi 29-01-2019

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hej everybody,

I arrived at Singapore-Changi in the afternoon after a quiet flight with Scoot. I had booked myself a Superior Runway View Room at the Crowne Plaza at Changi. When I arrived the light was almost backlit, so only a few shots from the room.

1. First is this Batik A320:
ImageA320-BTK-PKLAT-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

2. And my first ever B787-10, and one from the home team:
ImageB781-SIA-9VSCH-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

3. Malindo is also flying to Singapore:
ImageB738-MLN-9MLCJ-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

As the light was now really bad for photographing from the room, I made my way to Terminal 1 to the Viewing Mall.

4. Another home team airline is JetStar:
ImageA320-JET-9VJSP-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

5. A new Chinese airline for me was Hebei Airlines:
ImageB738-HEB-B1366-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

6. Another local star; Silk Air:
ImageB738-SLK-9VMGK-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

7. Lot's of yellow around thanks to Scoot:
ImageB788-SCT-9VOFD-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

8. Definitely one of the more exotic highlights this trip was Air Niugini:
ImageB763-ANG-P2PXV-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

Then it was back to my room where I made this emergency shot in last light of this Fokker 50UTA of the RSAF:

ImageF50UTA-RSAF-711-SIN29jan19 by Anton Homma, on Flickr

More to follow once I've finished editing. You can see all pictures at: ... 057040617/

Cheers! :wave:
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