Heads up-several SF AC/MC-130 eastbound across the Atlantic

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Le Addeur noir
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Heads up-several SF AC/MC-130 eastbound across the Atlantic

Post by Le Addeur noir »

A number of AC/MC-130 are on the way east from St Johns and Gander.

A source quotes the following,

89-0150 RCH1004
**-**** RCH1005
89-1056 RCH1006
**-**** RCH1007
65-0993 RCH1010
85-0011 RCH1018

Plus the following which may be air-spares,

69-5822 Chain 91(airframes.org quotes Chain92)
69-5827 Chain 92
88-0264 Talon 11
88-0192 Talon 12
92-0253 Spoky 49
89-0509 Spur 41

Like destinations would be Lajes or Mildenhall........
Drink treble
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Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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