Victorville overview

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Scramble Die-Hard
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Victorville overview

Post by n5205e00421 »


Not to show any beautiful pics, so I'm not sure if this is the right place...but maybe of use to anybody who has recently been to Victorville:

Some pics taken from ~26000ft over Victorville on 12 jul 2022:
Image20220712_VCV by L tH, on Flickr. Some more pics by scrolling to the left.

And an overview of the registrations I have read earlier on 12 feb 2022 when there were even more aircraft, taken from a Cessna doing some low passes. It is an edited Google Earth picture, so don't look at the type of aircraft you think you see. I made it for my own administration but it might as well benefit somebody else:
Image20220212_VCV by L tH, on Flickr
(you have to download the hi-res pic to be able to see the regs)

Thanks to PW, RB1, RB2, MB, AB and RR for their pics and info making the picture close to complete.


Add: The five SWA B737's in the right are: N794SW and N795SW in new c/s left of the building. Right of the building N715SW in new c/s, N719SW old c/s, N391SW fuselage only.
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