EHAM 02-04-2013

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EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by XYZ »

KLM has an inaugural flight this morning to a new destination in the UK:

- dep. 09:15 Manston KL 1519 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Fokker 70
- dep. 09:15 Manston AZ 3750 Alitalia
- dep. 09:15 Manston DL 9407 Delta Air Lines

- arr. 12:45 Manston KL 1520 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Fokker 70
- arr. 12:45 Manston AF 8237 Air France
- arr. 12:45 Manston AZ 3753 Alitalia

- dep. 20:50 Manston KL 1523 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Fokker 70
- dep. 20:50 Manston AZ 3754 Alitalia
- dep. 20:50 Manston AF 8290 Air France
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by Dutchman »

Dear all,


Currently planned with:

EK147/EK148 13.30-15.30 A6-EEA A388L

Subject to change.

Best regards,


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Last edited by Dutchman on 01 Apr 2013, 16:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by EHAM »

1010-1135 B767-200 El Al LY337/338
1300-1415 LX-VCG B747-8F Cargolux CLX715
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by Xanadu_A343 »

SK double B712
16:45-17:30 SK1549/1550 CPH-CPH 712 C16
21:30 SK549 712 CPH

Cathay Pacific oneworld c/s
07:15-12:55 CX271/272 HKG-HKG 343 B-HXG G07

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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by YS11 »

0540-1340 B-6111 A330-300 CZ
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by YS11 »

1745 D-CRIS W1125
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by tonjochems »

0930 1046C CZ 0441 PVG *R81 B2081 FL PRE 1230
1530 1752C CK 0205 PVG *R82 B2083 FL 2100C

0430 BCS6342 LEJ@ S92 FL 2310
0505 FX 5188 CDG@ S74 75F FL 0550
0920 QR 6057 DOH S79 77X FL 1120
1300 CLX0715 NBO *S90 LXVCG FL 1415
1520 RU 0225 SVO S77 *VQBLQ FL
1630 EK 9909 LGG *S82 OOTHB FL 2030
1830 EK 9989 DXB CAI S90 OOTHC FL
1830 QR 6055 DOH *S84 77X FL 2030
1830 RU 0223 SVO S74 VPBIG FL 2100
2240 FX 5187 OSL@ S72 75F FL

0550 DL 0266 BOS E07* N806NW PL 1320 03
@0555 0551C DL 0252 DTW E24* N802NW PL 1020 08
@0555 0556C DL 0174 ATL E17 N821NW PL 0800 05
@0625 0626C DL 0258 MSP E09 N819NW PL 0900 07
@0725 0720C DL 0049 BOM E07 N861NW PL 1055 03
0725 DL 0034 EWR D53* N156DL PL 1305 02
@0825 0800C DL 0238 ATL G06* N853NW PL 1035 06
0805 DL 0619 DTW E05 N815NW PL 1035 02
0815 DL 0050 BOS E19 N857NW PL 1035
0830 DL 0232 SEA E08 N812NW PL 1035 05
0835 DL 0178 PDX E17* N808NW PL 1110 09
0940 DL 0234 DTW D57 N809NW PL 1650 05
1000 DL 0070 JFK E09 N856NW PL 1145
1040 DL 0032 ATL E03 N153DL PL 1305 05
1040 DL 0264 MSP E18 N854NW PL 1335 08
1155 DL 0248 DTW E17* N866DA PL 1710 08
1300 DL 0260 MSP E05* N855NW PL 1455 10

0925 VY 8300 BCN@ B35 ECLVB PL 1000
1230 VY 8354 BIO@ B13 ECLLM PL 1305
1610 VY 8317 BCN@ B35 ECLQM PL 0700
1750 VY 8322 BCN@ B23 ECHQJ PL 1830
1850 VY 8366 AGP@ B23 ECLAA PL 1925
2050 VY 8306 BCN@ B13 ECLOC PL 2125

0810 EZY2155 LTN# H02 GEZUD PL 0840
0825 EZY4563 SXF@ M06 H06 GEZTK PL 0855
0825 EZY8869 LGW# H05 GEZWA PL 0855
0840 EZY7001 LPL# H01 GEZAV PL 0905
0905 EZY2723 MXP@ M04 H04 GEZTG PL 0935
0905 EZY3001 STN# H02 GEZDS PL 0935
0925 EZY1831 MAN# H03 GEZWB PL 0955
0930 EZY7401 SEN# H01 GEZAS PL 0955
1025 EZY7663 LIS@ M01 H01 GEZGH PL 1055
1025 EZY8871 LGW# H02 GEZFD PL 1055
1125 EZY4993 FCO@ M02 H02 GEZDC PL 1155
1130 EZY2157 LTN# H01 GEZUD PL 1200
1320 EZY2725 MXP@ M01 H01 GEZFU PL 1350
1640 EZY8875 LGW# H01 GEZFJ PL 1710
1735 EZY6167 BRS# H01 GEZTD PL 1800
1820 EZY2727 MXP@ M06 H06 GEZFK PL 1850
1825 EZY6853 GLA# H03 GEZFG PL 1850
1825 EZY7405 SEN# G03 GEZDN PL 1850
1830 EZY4995 FCO@ M05 H05 GEZDA PL 1900
1835 EZY2161 LTN# G05 *GEZIO PL 2150 UNICEF c/s
1835 EZY3005 STN# H01 GEZBJ PL 1900
1835 EZY3808 PRG@ M07 H07 GEZDX PL 1905
1840 EZY8877 LGW# H04 GEZDH PL 1910
1845 EZY6775 BFS# H02 GEZDL PL 1910
2025 EZY6923 EDI# H01 GEZWE PL 2050
2035 EZY2729 MXP@ M02 H02 GEZFS PL 2105
2050 EZY4567 SXF@ M04 H04 GEZAG PL 2120
2105 EZY2163 LTN# G03* GEZBM PL 2130
2110 EZY3009 STN# H05* *GEZUH PL 2155
2115 EZY7011 LPL# H01 GEZUZ PL 2145
2115 EZY8881 LGW# G05* *GEZWF PL 2155
2120 EZY1835 MAN# H06* *GEZBM PL 2130

0940 BA 0428 LHR# D26 GTTOB PL 1030
1000 BA 8497 LCY# D31 GLCYO PL 1040
1010 BA 2758 LGW# D28 GDOCN PL 1055
1040 BA 0430 LHR# D27 GEUPV PL 1140
1305 BA 2760 LGW# D28 GDOCY PL 1355
1405 BA 0434 LHR# D26 GEUPY PL 1455
1510 BA 8453 LCY# D24 GLCYM PL 1620
1535 BA 0438 LHR# D26 GEUPF PL 1620
1735 BA 8455 LCY# D26 GLCYE PL 1825
1810 BA 2762 LGW# D28 GDOCT PL 1855
1820 BA 0440 LHR# D27 GEUPO PL 1915
1915 BA 8459 LCY# D28 GLCYN PL 1955
2010 BA 0442 LHR# D26 GEUPT PL 2100
2105 BA 8457 LCY# D28 GLCYE PL 0715
2110 BA 0432 LHR# D27 GEUPC PL 2205
2225 BA 0444 LHR# D26 GEUPL PL 0715

0910 BE 1011 SOU# A08 B91 GFLBB PL 0950 09
0930 BE 0101 BHX# A08 B92 GJEDR PL 1005 10
1400 BE 1533 EXT# A08 B93 GJECO PL 1435 06
1515 BE 1285 INV# D31 GFBJD PL 1550 06
1530 BE 1015 SOU# D28 GFBEF PL 1610 09
1540 BE 0103 BHX# D27 GECOR PL 1615 05
1655 BE 1095 EMA# D31 GJEDM PL 1730 10
1955 BE 0105 BHX# A08 B92 GJEDR PL 2035 06
2020 BE 1017 SOU# A08 B91 GFLBB PL 2055 05

0740 LH 3334 HAM@ A04 B93 DACNU PL 0815
0815 LH 2300 MUC@ B15 DAEBB PL 0850
0910 LH 0986 FRA@ B15 DABIK PL 0950
1015 LH 0988 FRA@ B15 *DAECI PL 1100
1030 LH 2302 MUC@ B17 DAEBH PL 1105
1240 LH 2304 MUC@ B15 DAEMC PL 1320
1245 LH 0990 FRA@ B17 DACPQ PL 1345
1410 LH 0992 FRA@ B15 DABED PL 1455
1630 LH 3338 HAM@ A04 B93 DACNR PL 1705
1650 LH 2306 MUC@ B17 DACKD PL 1725
1740 LH 0996 FRA@ B27 DABIO PL 1845
1835 LH 2308 MUC@ B15 DAEBM PL 1910
1855 LH 0998 FRA@ B35 DABIN PL 1955
2050 LH 2310 MUC@ B17 DAEBS PL 2125
2205 LH 1002 FRA@ B17 DABIO PL 0715
2235 LH 2312 MUC@ B23 DAEMA PL 0710

0915 OS 0371 VIE@ B13 OELVL PL 1010
1700 OS 0373 VIE@ B15 OELVN PL 1745
1915 OS 0375 VIE@ B13 OELVL PL 2000
2200 OS 0377 VIE@ B15 OELVH PL 0700

0900 LX 0724 ZRH@ B17 HBIPV PL 0945
1410 LX 0728 ZRH@ B23 HBJLS PL 1450
1910 LX 0734 ZRH@ B17 *HBIJO PL 1950
2230 LX 0736 ZRH@ B27 HBIJL PL 0700

0540 0549C CZ 0345 PEK F04* B6111 PL 1340
0645 0652C CZ 0307 CAN G08 *B6548 PL 1320
0710 0708C SQ 0324 SIN G09* 9VSVE PL 1115
0655 0711C MH 0016 KUL G03 9MMRQ PL 1200
0650 0715C CX 0271 HKG G07* BHXG PL 1255
1000 OHY0299 AYT D02 TCOBM PL 1100
0915 1007C CI 0065 TPE BKK D07 B18802 PL 1415
1300 PC 0671 SAW G03 TCCPE PL 1355
1340 SK 0547 CPH@ C10 *320 PL 1420
1453 RSD0033 VKO P10 BEZIM XM aircraft type unknown
1645 SK 1549 CPH@ C16 717 PL 1730
1810 DY 3540 CPH@ Z02 D02 LNDYP PL 1840
2030 DY 4531 ARN@ D60 D04 LNDYJ PL 2100
2100 DY 1258 OSL@ D62 D08 LNKKL PL 2130

1000 BID0005AZZZ@ DCKPP CT 1200
1315 PAV0628 CEQ@ K24 DCREY CT
1745 TYW0322CPMI@ K14 DCRIS CT 1945
1840 BID0005CNWI# DCKPP CT 1900
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by 330/340 »

SP-LNA 190 LOT net over Uithoorn.
Grtz, Jan
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by frank kramer »

Kan het zijn dat ik net een rood/witte S.76 over het IJmeer zag vliegen richting SPL?
Frank Kramer

Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by 330/340 »

frank kramer wrote:Kan het zijn dat ik net een rood/witte S.76 over het IJmeer zag vliegen richting SPL?
S-76 D-HULK op de SBS op 1000ft, misschien deze ? ... 051f493d41
Grtz, Jan
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by frank kramer »

Check! Thnx!
Frank Kramer

Always going forward... still can't find reverse!
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by EHAM »

Kan het ook een roodwitte R44 zijn geweest? In dat geval was het de D-HMSH. Zag 'm rond 0930 in de buurt van de Kaagbaan, vlak voor de Air Astana langs :).
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by YS11 »

1324C-1435 TC-JHO B737-800 TK
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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by AviaView »

East 14:00LT


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Re: EHAM 02-04-2013

Post by Dutchbird »


14.52A-15.30E LN-NGB DY8862 OSL-LPA, parked at H01.
'Every year donkeys and mules kill more people than plane crashes'

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