My pictures of 1998, part 8: Frankfurt August 1998 (2)

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My pictures of 1998, part 8: Frankfurt August 1998 (2)

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hello all!

Here's the second batch of pictures from Frankfurt in August 1998.

1. Sibir Airlines (now S7) Tu154:
305-TU154-SBR-RA85687-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

2. Classic colors on this B767 from LAN Chile:
308-B763-LAN-CCCEB-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

3. VASP also flew their own planes, like this MD-11, to Frankfurt:
311-MD11-VSP-PPSOZ-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

4. Even in 1998 a classic, BAC1-11 from Tarom:
315-BAC111-ROM-YRBCK-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

5. A310 from the then small airline Emirates:
316-A313-EKA-A6EKI-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

6. Clean looking classic Jumbo from Air New Zealand:
317-B742-ANZ-ZKNZV-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

7. Aero Lloyd MD-83 in logo livery for Trigema, a T-shirt company:
318-MD83-AEF-DALLE-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

8. Yak time! Yak 42 from Bykov Avia:
321-YAK42-BYK-RA42341-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

9. Yak 42 from Dnieproavia:
323-YAK42-DNI-UR42405-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

10. Only saw this airline once; Air Georgia Tu154:
324-TU154-GEO-4L85547-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

11. What a beauty! L-1011 from ATA:
325-L1011-ATA-N195AT-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

12. Another Yak 42, Kuban Airlines this time:
326-YAK42-KUB-RA42421-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

13. Air Transat B757 on approach:
327-B752-ATS-CGTSE-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

14. Kyrgystan Tu154:
333-TU154-KYR-EX85762-FRA8aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

15. Another great looking US TriStar, American International Airways L-1011F:
335-L1011F-AIA-N105CK-FRA9aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

16. Retro L-1011 from Air Lanka:
337-L1011-ALA-4RULA-FRA9aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

17. Another Yak! Yak 42 from Air Moldova:
339-YAK42-MOL-ER42409-FRA9aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

18. And I end my Frankfurt impression with this crappy shot of a nice plane; A310 from MIAT:
342-A313-MON-FOHPT-FRA9aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

That's all for now folks! Feel free to comment.

See you for part 9, which is probably Madrid.

Cheers! :wave:
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Re: My pictures of 1998, part 8: Frankfurt August 1998 (2)

Post by nustyR »

I neef a time machine :worship:
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