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ZJ78. AS365N-3 AAC,8 Flt 1JS19 arr 11.??,dep 12.29 and arr 15.38,dep 16.08
ZJ966 C Bell 212 AAC,25 Flt AAC254 arr 08.48,dep 11.15(ish)
ZJ690 Sentinal R.1 RAF,5 Sqn Snapshou 01 dep 08.48
EGWU 11.05.2012 MIL
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- Le Addeur noir
- Scramble Master
- Posts: 66013
- Joined: 19 Jan 2007, 16:22
- Subscriber Scramble: Nee
- Location: Asie
EGWU 11.05.2012 MIL
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters