Museo del Ar

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mirage 69
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Museo del Ar

Post by mirage 69 »

Looks like the museum is closed in the first few months this year :twisted:

was planning a day out in Lissabon and surroundings. When I took a look at their website a pop up with some tekst in it appeared..
Encerramento do Museu do Ar a partir do dia 1 de Novembro

Requalificação do Museu do Ar

A partir do próximo dia 1 de Novembro, o Museu do Ar, em Sintra, irá iniciar a Segunda Fase das Obras de Requalificação, tendo por isso de encerrar temporariamente o seu espaço de exposição ao grande público.

Aquando a sua reabertura, que se prevê ainda no primeiro semestre de 2012, o Museu do Ar irá apresentar, no seu novo espaço de exposição de Sintra, uma colecção com várias peças inéditas, bem como novas áreas temáticas de interacção com os visitantes.
Can't read Portugese but I think it's closed now. Maybe someone can confirm this?

Grtz Rene
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Re: Museo del Ar

Post by Brian »

Thanks to google translate..
Sluiting van de Air Museum van 1 november

Verbetering van de Air Museum

Vanaf 1 november, de Air Museum in Sintra, start de tweede fase van de werken voor Revalidatie en moeten daarom haar expositieruimte tijdelijk te sluiten voor het grote publiek.

Bij de heropening, die naar verwachting in de eerste helft van 2012 zal de Air Museum presenteert in de nieuwe tentoonstellingsruimte van Sintra, een verzameling van verschillende originele stukken, maar ook nieuwe vakgebieden van interactie met bezoekers.

in english

Closure of the Air Museum from November 1

Upgrading of the Air Museum

From the 1st of November, the Air Museum in Sintra, will start the second phase of Works for Rehabilitation and therefore have to temporarily close its exhibition space to the general public.

Upon its reopening, which is expected in the first half of 2012, the Air Museum will present in its new exhibition space of Sintra, a collection of several original pieces, as well as new subject areas of interaction with visitors.
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