Dear all,
Seen during our summer holidays through Germany, Austria and Italy were the following aircraft. Most visits were brief and serial spotting only. Serials wich are underlined were not actually read.
I was just in time to catch a recovering Tigre and a Iraqi EC635 armed with missile pods that was about to take off. Shooting here is great and no problem at all. Another two Iraqi EC635’s were identified as well. Unfortunately no sign of the JASDF EC.135’s and Gabon EC635 that were noted here a couple of weeks earlier.
19-8-2011 Donauwörth
1x NH-90 Eurcopter, to German Army
84+86 CH-53GA Eurocopter
74+23 Tigre Eurocopter
0995/D-HCBL EC.635T2+ Iraq Army (to become YI-280)
D-HCBM EC.635T2+ Iraq Army
D-HCBN EC.635T2+ Iraq Army
Donauwörth (EDPR/QWR) - 2011 MIL
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Donauwörth (EDPR/QWR) - 2011 MIL
-Good intell, allows for good decision making!-