The next day a military bus take the me in the hotel and bring me to Drewitz-Jänschwalde (Cottbus) near on the Polish border . For the first time I see a flag waving enough unusual: the German Democratic Republic or DDR.
As a worldwide first greetings, coffee ', welcome exception cc. That day and then the picture 'was memorable because' many many planes had arrived in Drewith-Jenshwalde to celebrate a major LSK anniversary with the presence of very very high military authorities' and the cutting of some MIG 21 for the reduction of arms as dictated international agreements to that time.
I had never seen so many Mig21, Mi23, L39 at once in front of me! INCREDIBLE! I had never seen the parade with the famous "goose step" that only the Germans can do. LSK/DDR an unknown world at that time!!!!
(Sorry for the translation from Italian)