LOG UK (small)

ImageLogs and news for those airports and airfields in the United Kingdom and Ireland, not covered in the subforums.

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patrick dirksen
Scramble Master
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Joined: 11 Sep 2002, 00:12
Type of spotter: Mil & ex-mil, zowel nummers als platen!
Subscriber Scramble: patrick dirksen
Location: Eindhoven (en een beetje Epe)

LOG UK (small)

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hi all,

I again spent two days in the UK with a friend. But not on a spotting trip this time: we went there to support our team PSV and see them beat the Rangers ;-))
But of course still a few interesting locations were visited while we were there anyway!

Leeds-Coney Park heliport (16-3)

(80+39) Bo.105M std, no mks
(80+40) Bo.105M std, no mks

Both were seen sitting outside while we passed the heliport. They have been here for years now, apparently a bad bargain for them.... We didn't stop, so can't tell wether the two UH-1's were present as well (don't need them, sorry).

Glasgow airport (17-3)

No Tutors unfortunately. I was hoping to catch the two new ones of the local UAS, but their hangar was firmly closed and there was no activity at all.
We had decided to do some "tourist stuff" in York, but that meant we passed Leeming. A good moment for a quick break and streatching the legs ;-)

RAF Leeming (17-3)

Hakw T.1A, 100 sq: (XX198)/CG, (XX202)/CF, (XX203)/CC, (XX222)/CI, (XX246)/CA, (XX255)/CL, (XX285)/CB, (XX329)/CJ, (XX339)/CK +1

XV202 Hercules C.3 LTW
ZH889 Hercules C.5 LTW
XZ608 Lynx AH.7 nn
? Puma ?

More activity and visitors than I had expected, apparently there was some exercise going on. The heatwaves (in March....) were a problem though, making it impossible to off read the Puma and the last local Hawk on the line. If somebody did get the Puma (or the Hawk for that matter, we were here around 13:30), I would be very interested of course!
The rest of the day was spent in York. So a small log, compared to others, but provided I didn't expect anything it all was a nice bonus. And I made two Hawks and the Lynx, so it was worth it as well. Combined with the beautiful weather, the visit to York, the nice landscape, the beers and of course our victory it was a great two days out!

That's all folks!

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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