EGWU 03.02.2011 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 03.02.2011 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

Some of the many moves for today,

CS-DLB Falcon 2000EX NetJets arr 12.58
CS-DNR Falcon 2000 NetJets arr 08.??
CS-DXL Cessna 560XLS NetJets arr 14.04
D-CKDM G150 Triple Aplha CLU2710 arr 14.06
G-CGSJ BD-700 TAG Aviation(UK)Ltd arr 14.01 from EGLF
HB-JET Falcon 2000EX Dasnair DGX202
HB-JGL G200 TAG Aviation FPG783
HB-VMY Cessna 550B Jet Aviation Business Jets PJS201
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: EGWU 03.02.2011 CIV

Post by Darrenbizman »

More added from the above for today

M-SNAP Ce560XLS arr 0828 dep 0853
G-LEAA Ce510 Mustang London Executive Aviation Ltd LNX36AA arr 0832 dep 0924 returned at 1640 dep 1732
CS-DXI Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE296C dep 0941 returned at 1033 dep as NJE564W at 1305 to EGLF
CS-DRC 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE370Y dep 1011 to LFPB
G-WLVS Falcon 2000LX dep 1037
M-YNNS Falcon 7X arr 1057 from LFPB
OY-GKJ Falcon 2000LX MMD11 (First visit) arr 1104
N511QS G-V arr 1216 dep 1631
CS-DUF 125 Hawker 750 Netjets Europe NJE544P arr 1339 dep as NJE652T to EGPH
CS-DXL Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE894N arr 1404 from EGLC
G-SPUR Ce550 London Executive Aviation Ltd KRH96R dep 1559 to EGPH
HB-IAZ Falcon 2000 TAG Aviation FPG832 arr 1615 dep 1746
N37172 Be350 arr 1636 from EHRD dep 1645 to EGTK
G-CCGS Dornier 328-110 Scot Airways (All white) SAY??P arr 1708
VQ-BGN G-550 dep 1834

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