ETAR 18-07-2010

ImageThe forum for all movements and news about Ramstein Air Base.

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ImageMode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary
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Olli J.
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 871
Joined: 04 Aug 2009, 01:14
Location: ETNN & EDDK

ETAR 18-07-2010

Post by Olli J. »

A log between 1130 and 2030lt

1130lt 84-0109 76thAS arr
1336lt 07-7189 437thAW arr
1340lt 04-4134 6thAS arr
1349lt 03-3115 172ndAW dep
1354lt 84-0110 76thAS dep
1412lt 84-0084 76thAS arr
1425lt 08-8190 437thAW arr
1514lt 87-24584 SHAPE arr
1517lt 06-6157 60thAMW dep
1535lt 62-3506 133rdARS dep
1600lt 87-24584 SHAPE dep
1633lt 03-3117 172ndAW dep
1648lt 89-1192 437thAW arr
1700lt 04-4134 6thAS dep
1740lt 93-0602 437thAW arr
1747lt 07-7176 436thAW arr
1905lt 84-0083 76thAS arr
2013lt 89-1192 437thAW dep
2020lt 04-4138 452ndAMW dep
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