ETAR 30-05-2010

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ETAR 30-05-2010

Post by andel »

Just called AMCC 355.800
REACH125 30 minutes out
SBS shows 59-1472 KC-135R
Hawaii ANG HH !!
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Re: ETAR 30-05-2010

Post by andel »

REACH802 calling AMCC 355.800
Inbound SBS shows 02-1101 C-17
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Re: ETAR 30-05-2010

Post by andel »

REACH118 on 355.800 AMCC
30 minutes out
SBS shows 00-0183 C-17
Patrick Moonen
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Re: ETAR 30-05-2010

Post by Patrick Moonen »

69-0001 C-5A 137th AS/New York ANG
84-0062 C-5B 9th AS/436th AW
85-0003 C-5B 9th AS/436th AW
87-0030 C-5B 22nd AS/60th AMW
84-0192 KC-10A 32nd ARS/305th AMW
95-0107 C-17A 437th AW
00-0177 C-17A 62nd AW
02-1101 C-17A 437th AW
02-1112 C-17A 183rd AS/Mississippi ANG
03-3115 C-17A 183rd AS/Mississippi ANG
03-3119 C-17A 183rd AS/Mississippi ANG
03-3127 C-17A 6th AS/305th AMW
04-4132 C-17A 6th AS/305th AMW
05-5145 C-17A 729th AS/452nd AMW/AFRC
07-7175 C-17A 3rd AS/436th AW
08-8190 C-17A 437th AW
84-0112 C-21A 76th AS/86th AW
02-0042 C-40B 76th AS/86th AW
92-3022 C-130H 773rd AS/910th AW/AFRC
06-8610 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
06-8611 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
06-8612 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
07-8608 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
07-8609 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
07-8613 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
07-8614 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
08-8602 RS CC-130J 37th AS/"86th OG"
08-8604 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
08-8605 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
08-8607 RS CC-130J 37th AS/86th AW
59-1472 HH KC-135R 203rd ARS/Hawaii ANG
59-1519 KC-135R 174th ARS/Iowa ANG
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Le Addeur noir
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Re: ETAR 30-05-2010

Post by Le Addeur noir »

Noted here this day,

69-0001 C-5A 137 AS,NY ANG
84-0062 bl C-5B 9 AS,436 AW RCH542 dep 15.31 to KDOV
85-0003 bl C-5B 9 AS,436 AW
87-0030 bl C-5B 9 AS,436 AW
84-0192 bl KC-10A 305 AMW RCH327 dep 13.48
00-0177 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH644 dep 13.45 to LERT
00-0183 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH118 arr 17.40
03-3127 bl C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH468 arr 15.59,dep 18.25
04-4132 bl C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH328 dep 17.42 to LHPA
07-7169 bl C-17A 3 AS,436 AW RCH603 arr 17.25
07-7175 bl C-17A 3 ASW,436 AW RCH510 dep 15.19 to UAFM
95-0107 y C-17A 437 AW RCH270 dep 14.46
02-1101 y C-17A 437 AW RCH802 arr 14.12
08-8190 y C-17A 437 AW (no movenemt noted,parked on ramp 8)
05-5145 or/y C-17A AFRC,729 AS (no movement noted)
02-1112 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH525 dep 14.52 to ORBD
03-3115 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH144 dep 13.32 to KADW
03-3119 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH167 dep 15.15
90-1057 bl C-130H 142 AS,DE ANG RCH580 arr 17.51
92-3022 bl/r C-130H AFRC,910 AW
59-1472 y KC-135R 203 ARS,HI ANG RCH125 arr 13.08
59-1519 y KC-135R ? RCH116 dep 15.25 to OAIX

C-130Js noted were

8608 HKY91 dep to LFRC
8612 HKY 92 dep to LFRC
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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