After the K64....

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After the K64....

Post by tonno1970 »

I am now a "digital" shooter but I've been a Kodachrome users for many years. I know the Kodachrome era is going in few months and I'm just curious if there will be "A" substitute or if all the slide films will be fine.

I'd like to know something more from slide shooters....just curious because some years ago many people didn't accept "non Kodachrome" slides.

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Re: After the K64....

Post by Key »

Hi Tonno,

When circumstances are rewarding, I shoot slides (otherwise Nikon D300). The films I use are Fuji Provia 100F and Velvia 50. I have been using these for at least ten years and really like their fine grain and their way of colour reproduction. They are excellent for scanning, too. The Provia 100F is a good all-round film, while Velvia is for extra vivid colours.

Be aware though, these films are completely different from K64, although Velvia 50 does show the purity that K64 had in clear, sunny weather. I have been using K64 in the past and value its stability, though I never really liked it in other than sunny scenes. K25 appeared more flexible to me in that respect, and was simply brilliant in fair weather. Obviously, it had the disadvantage of being slow.

As I switched to these films when Kodachrome was still an option, I have never been looking for a K64 substitute. I just made a different choice. I am not a slide trader or seller, btw: I shoot just for me.

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