In order of appearance various freqs Dutch FIR from 0930LT
Metal(1),2 cleared takeoff EHVK->Switch CH16 (not sure if Metal1 was with the flight)
Tiger81 cleared takeoff EHVK->leaving CTR for linkroute VFR-> TMA-C
Snake1,2 cleared takeoff EHVK
Sting1,2 cleared takeoff EHVK
Flame ->inbound Link10A ->Elst
Hawk01 ->NAVPI in the block Fl250-Fl260
Metal1,2 RTB EHVK already
Tiger31 switching to another freq because of Tiger81 on the same.
LOG 20090813
Moderator: joost
Forum rules
LOG 20090813
Last edited by Purple on 13 Aug 2009, 10:00, edited 2 times in total.
Re: LOG 20090813
Metal 21 departed some minutes earlier than Metal 22 <140.675>, currently cleared to land