LOG: Sharm-el-Sheikh 21/7 - 28/7
didn't found a topic here, so i will post the LOG in a new topic:
hi all,
been to Sharm-el-Sheikh for a one week holidays,
stayed at the Jaz Mirabel Club in the far east of SSH,
almost all departures & sometimes landings passed
the hotel between 1500 & 4000 feet. Most stuff is easy to read off
with binos, and a few tie ups were made by SBS
which was running in the hotel room.
the following was noted during the week:
Regulars :
All Egypt Air Express E170’s up to SU-GDK
Egypt Air A320’s : SU-GCA
Egypt Air A321’s : SU-GBT/GBU/GBV/GBW
Egypt Air B738wl’s : SU-GCO/GCP/GCR/GCZ
Air Cairo A320’s : SU-BPV/BPW/BPX
Air Memphis A320’s : SU-PBG/PBH
AMC Aviation B738’s : SU-BPG/BPH/BPZ/BQA
Koral Blue AL A320’s : SU-KBA/KBC
Koral Blue AL A319 : SU-KBB
Lotus Air A320’s : SU-LBG/LBH/LBI
SU-BME MD83 Air Memphis
SU-BPY B752 Euro Mediterranean AL
SU-KHM B735 Alexandria AL
SU-TCA A320 Almasria Universal AL
Tue 21/7 :
C-FEAK B738wl Viking AL
C-FTDW B738wl Travel Service
C-FYLC B738wl Viking AL
D-ABAT B.738wl Air-Berlin
D-AERQ A333 Air-Berlin
D-AHFC B738wl HapagFly
D-AICD A320 Condor Berlin
D-AICF A320 Condor Berlin
D-AICN A320 Condor Berlin
D-ATUH B738wl HapagFly (my ride to SSH)
D-CFTG LJ35 pvt.
EI-DFS B763 Transaero
EI-EDZ B738wl Transaero
G-OBYD B763 Thomsonfly
G-OBYG B763 Thomsonfly
G-OOBD B752 First Choice
G-TTIE A321 EasyJet
HA-LKD B738wl Travel Service Hungary
HB-IOT A320 Air-Berlin
HB-ISE B763 Belair
HZ-AP3 MD90 Saudia
HZ-WBT5 HS125 Kingdom
HZ-WBT7 B744 Kingdom
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZG A320 Eurofly
I-EEZO A320 Eurofly
JY-EME E195 Royal Jordanian
LY-SKJ B752 Aurela (opf.Sprintair)
LY-SKR B752 Aurela (opf.Sprintair)
LY-SKW B733 Aurela (opf.Sprintair)
N535PN B350 US Army
N738MA B738wl Miami Air / Arke Fly
N1388J C680 pvt.
OO-VAS B738wl JetairFly
PH-HZB B738wl Transavia
RA-73017 B752 VIM Airlines
RA-86124 IL86 Aeroflot-Don
SU-CBA DHC7 Petroleum A/S
SU-ZBB BE40 pvt.
VP-BKJ B744 Transaero
VQ-BBU B752 Nordwind
9K-AMB A306 Kuwait AW
9K-EAB A320 Wataniya AW
Wed 22/7 :
C-FEAK B738wl Viking AL
C-FTDW B738wl Travel Service
EI-CZD B762 Transaero
EW-85741 T154 Belavia
G-BYAD B752 Thomsonfly
G-BYAI B752 Thomsonfly
G-BYAX B752wl Thomsonfly
G-DAJB B752 Monarch
G-DLCH B738wl FlyGlobespan
G-JMCD B752 Thomas Cook
G-OBYD B763 Thomsonfly
G-WJAN B752 Thomas Cook
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZO A320 Eurofly
N241PR CL60 pvt.
N829NS H25B pvt.
OK-TVA B738wl Travel Service
OK-TVD B738wl Travel Service
OM-HLE A320 Seagle Air
RA-64017 T204 Aviastar-TU
RA-73008 B757 VIM Airlines
RA-73016 B757 VIM Airlines
UR-DNJ B733 Dniproavia
VP-BGU B743 Transaero
VP-BSZ A310 S7
VQ-BBU B752 Nordwind
9K-ALB A310 Kuwait AW
Thu 23/7 :
C-FEAK B738wl Viking AL
C-GTBB B752wl First Choice
D-ABBC B738wl Air-Berlin
D-ABBR B738 Air-Berlin
D-ABOE B753 Condor
D-ABOI B753 Condor
D-ABOL B753 Condor
D-AHFC B738wl HapagFly
D-AHIJ A319 Hamburg Int’l
D-AICH A320 Condor Berlin
EI-LVD A321 Livingston
G-BYAI B752 Thomsonfly
G-DAJB B752 Monarch
G-EOMA A332 Monarch
G-FCLD B752 Thomas Cook
G-FCLI B752 Thomas Cook
G-MAJS A306 Monarch
G-MONK B752 Monarch
G-MONR A306 Monarch
G-MONS A306 Monarch
G-OBYG B763 Thomsonfly
G-OBYH B763 Thomsonfly
G-OJMC A332 Thomas Cook
G-TTIF A321 EasyJet
HA-LOM B738 Malev / Livingston
HB-IJV A320 Swiss (opf.Edelweiss)
JY-EMC E175 Royal Jordanian
JY-JAN B733 Jordan Av’n
JY-RFF B734 Royal Falcon
OE-LNJ B738wl Lauda Air (2x)
OE-LNR B738wl Lauda Air
OO-JBG B738wl JetairFly
OO-TCN A320 Thomas Cook
OY-JTD B733wl Jet Time
OY-JTE B733 Jet Time
SE-RHS B738wl Viking AL
SP-LLK B734 Centralwings
UR-DAD A320 Donbassaero (opf.Windrose Air)
UR-DNJ B733 Dniproavia
UR-GAO B734 Ukraine Int’l
UR-WUB A320 Wizz Air Ukraine
VP-BAE GLF4 pvt.
VP-BSZ A310 S7
VQ-BAK B752 Nordwind
9K-CAG A320 Jazeera AW
Fri 24/7 :
EI-CZD B762 Transaero
EI-EDZ B738wl Transaero
G-OBYG B763 Thomsonfly
G-OOBI B752 First Choice
G-OOOZ B752 First Choice
HZ-AEO E175 Saudia
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZO A320 Eurofly
JY-RFF B734 Royal Falcon
PH-HZA B738wl Transavia
RA-64017 T204 Aviastar-TU
VP-BGY B743 Transaero
VQ-BAL B752 Nordwind
VQ-BBU B752 Nordwind
9K-EAB A320 Wataniya AW
Sat 25/7 :
EI-CUD B734 Blue Panorama (2x)
EI-LVA A321 Livingston (2x)
F-GRSI A320 XL Airways France
G-FCLA B752 Thomas Cook
G-JMCD B752 Thomas Cook
G-OBYD B763 Thomsonfly
G-OBYH B763 Thomsonfly
G-OJMR A306 Monarch
G-OOBA B752 First Choice
G-OOBH B752 First Choice
G-TTIF A321 EasyJet
HB-IHR B752 Air-Berlin
HB-JIF MD90 Hello
I-BIKA A320 Alitalia
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZF A320 Eurofly (2x)
I-EEZO A320 Eurofly
I-EEZP A320 Eurofly
I-LLAG B763 Blue Panorama
JY-EMD E175 Royal Jordanian
LY-SKA B733 Aurela (opf.Sprintair)
LZ-BHC A320 Air Vallee
OE-LED A319 Niki
PH-HZC B738wl Transavia
PH-TFL B738wl Arke Fly
RA-64017 T204 Aviastar-TU
RA-73017 B752 VIM Airlines
RA-86125 IL86 Atlant-Soyuz
RA-86139 IL86 Atlant-Soyuz
RA-86141 IL86 Aeroflot-Don
S5-AAM B735 Adria AW
UR-DNJ B733 Dniproavia
VP-BGX B743 Transaero
VP-BGY B743 Transaero
VP-BKL B744 Transaero
VP-BLF B735 Aeroflot-Don
VQ-BBU B752 Nordwind
VQ-BJK B752 Nordwind
9K-CAC A320 Jazeera AW
9K-EAB A320 Wataniya AW
Sun 26/7 :
C-FEAK B738wl Viking AL
C-FYLC B738wl Viking AL
D-ABBF B738wl Air-Berlin
D-ALPJ A332 Air-Berlin
D-ALTD A320 Air-Berlin
EI-CUA B734 Blue Panorama
EI-CUD B734 Blue Panorama
EI-DKL B752 Blue Panorama
EI-DNP A320 Wind Jet
EI-DUS B733 Mistral Air
EI-EEA B738wl Transaero
EI-IGB B752 Air Italy
EI-LVD A321 Livingston
F-GZHC B738wl Transavia France
G-BYAD B752 Thomsonfly
G-MONR A306 Monarch
G-LSAC B752wl Jet 2
G-OBYE B763 Thomsonfly
G-OBYH B763 Thomsonfly
G-OJMR A306 Monarch
G-SMAN A332 Monarch
G-TTIE A321 EasyJet
HA-LKC B738wl Travel Service Hungary
HA-LOH B738 Malev / Livingston
HB-IHX A320 Edelweiss (opf.Swiss)
HB-IJS A320 Swiss
HB-IJW A320 Swiss
HZ-AP7 MD90 Saudia
I-AIGH B762 Air Italy
I-BIXI A321 Alitalia
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZF A320 Eurofly (2x)
I-EEZO A320 Eurofly
I-LIVN A332 Livingston
I-LLAG B763 Blue Panorama
I-NEOS B738wl NEOS 2x)
I-WEBA A320 VolareWeb (opf.Alitalia)
JY-EMA E195 Royal Jordanian
JY-RFF B734 Royal Falcon
LX-LGQ B737wl Luxair
OE-LEX A320 Niki
OM-ASC B733 Air Slovakia
OO-TCP A320 Thomas Cook
OO-VAC B738wl JetairFly
PH-HZF B738wl Transavia
RA-64011 T204 Aviastar-TU
RA-73010 B752 VIM Airlines
RA-73015 B752 VIM Airlines
RA-85123 T154 Aviaenergo
SE-RHS B738wl Viking AL
S5-AAB A320 Adria AW
UR-DAD A320 Donbassaero (opf.Windrose Air)
UR-DNC B735 Dniproavia
UR-DND B735 Dniproavia
UR-DNJ B733 Dniproavia
UR-GAP B734 Ukraine Int’l
UR-GAR B734 Ukraine Int’l
UR-WUB A320 Wizz Air Ukraine
VP-BAN B734 Globus
VQ-BEN B738wl Orenair
5B-DBB A320 Cyprus AW
9K-CAH A320 Jazeera AW
Mon 27/7 :
C-FEAK B738wl Viking AL
C-FYLC B738wl Viking AL
D-AHIH A319 Hamburg Int’l
EI-DUS B733 Mistral Air
EI-IGC B752 Air Italy Polska
EI-LVB A321 Livingston (2x)
G-BYAI B752 Thomsonfly
G-FCLA B752 Thomas Cook
G-FCLH B752 Thomas Cook
G-FDZF B738wl Thomsonfly
G-GEDY F2TH pvt.
G-JMCD B752 Thomas Cook
G-OBYD B763 Thomsonfly
G-OBYF B763 Thomsonfly
I-EEZE A320 Eurofly
I-EEZG A320 Eurofly
I-EEZH A320 Eurofly (2x)
I-EEZN A320 Eurofly
I-LIVM A332 Livingston
I-LIVN A332 Livingston
HB-IHX A320 Edelweiss
HZ-AP7 MD90 Saudia
JY-AYJ A321 Royal Jordanian
JY-RFF B734 Royal Falcon (2x)
OE-LES A321 Niki
OK-TVF B738wl Travel Service
OM-ASC B733 Air Slovakia
OM-HLC B733 Seagle Air
OO-TCI A320 Thomas Cook
VP-BFX A320 Ural AL
VQ-BAK B752 Nordwind
VQ-BEN B738wl Orenair
9K-AMB A306 Kuwait AW
Tue 28/7 :
D-AHFR B738wl TUIfly (my ride home to FRA)
I-EEZG A320 Eurofly
LY-SKW B733 Aurela (opf.Sprintair)
OE-LES A321 Niki
VP-BKL B744 Transaero
VQ-BEN B738wl Orenair
9K-EAC A320 Wataniya AW
this is not a full LOG, some bizjets were hard to read off or
tie up. A lot of OTT Traffic was picked up by SBS also,
many arrivals/Departures from HRG passed some miles
east (HRG is about 80 Km over the red sea from SSH),
and also a lot of Middle East stuff,especially Saudia,
were almost the whole active fleet was overflying during the week,
including most of their leased aircraft.
hope this is of interest, if anyone has questions do not hestitate
ti contact me.
Sharm-el-Sheikh (HESH/SSH) - 2009 CIV
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