'NAF 41' hitting the tarmac.

'Bursa 35' on the parallel taxiway, just prior to turning to the runway. It departed to Ramstein.

'NAF 35' executing an unusual landing maneuvre...

'NCG 03' during one of its many approaches.

'Valor 55' was here for some approaches, after which it left for Mildenhall.

A Boeing 737 WITHOUT winglets...'Germania 2425'.

'NAF 35' turning in to land during its second flight of the day.

'Snake 2' was doing an SFO and some local cirquits.

'Grizzly 41' visited for an intermediate stop of 5 minutes on apron West.

Something wrong with my settings on this photo of 'BAF 196'. It left to Kleine Brogel after its approach at Eindhoven.

The 'Burst 21' en 'Burst 22' prior to the overhead break over runway 04.

'Burst 21' on final runway 04.

'Burst 22' just before leaving back to Volkel.

Nice day, and always happy with runway 04!
