No, you're not the only one. As stated elsewhere: I wrote:Am I the only one who has a feeling about these pictures in line of: Yeah I've seen it now the forums are flooded with pics with little variety these days
That's not the point. Taking myself as an example: I can enjoy a good skyhigh picture, but 75% of the shots in this thread do not appeal to me. Many of them have too much empty sky, are unsharp, badly exposed, or a combination of those. I know this kind of photography isn't easy, but then again: a large part of photography is about doing right what isn't wrote:Stop checking this topic if you don't want to see it.

I'm sure I don't have to point out the photogs whose skyhigh pics I do generally enjoy.
Here and in other threads, sometimes, everything not clearly failed seems to apply for display. This flood of pictures, regardless of quality, makes me loose interest and that makes me miss the good ones!
In conclusion, I see Colin's point and I wish (like several others do) people would be more self-critical and selective. There is - and will be - no rule to enforce that, everyone is free to show as many photos as they wish. But I personally need quality and variety to be interested.