Mahovljani, Zaluzani, Republica Srpska (or Bosnia)14-06-2008

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michel N
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Mahovljani, Zaluzani, Republica Srpska (or Bosnia)14-06-2008

Post by michel N »

Seen at Mahovljani, Republica Srpska, saturday morning:
24458 IJ-21
24261 J-21
23725 G-4
25122 J-22
25173 J-22

there were at least two more Orao's visible, but I left after I was seen by soldiers on this very nice airbase.
Afterwards I drove to Zaluzani, homebase to 11 MI-8 Hips.
A-..... I managed to read A- for both aircraft, but now I left before I could read more, because I saw police coming, and I did not want to take the risk of being arrested.
Also, there were 7 Hips more visible. Anyone can confirm the regs of these 9 Hips?
2 Hips were in a very nice new-looking camouflage, the other nine had the same brown color, some with red-cross markings.


Michel Niesten
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