Here you will find messages from the Scramble Administration and Editorial Team. Please read them! You can also leave any comments or suggestions about this Message Board, the Scramble website or the magazine.
Since Key doesn't allow any feedback I decided to start a new topic (I hope it won't be removed).
Very strange message to my opinion, especially to put a special topic about it.
It looks like more... I'll show who is the boss here..., same kind of indication I got recently from key in a PM as well.. (I am the moderator)... criticism in an unfair manner is an opinion and discusable in my eyes. Besides the user baned has had a lot of positive contribution towards the messageboard, so I am sure there were much better ways to come to a solution besides just somebody kicking out..with an opinion you don't like too much..
Lets hope that my cristism doesn't lead to the fact I will be kicked out as well..
Let me explain this one last time. This MB is provided by Scramble for the community to share and enjoy our hobby. The way we run this board is not up for discussion. It is ours, we can do here whatever we like. That includes announcements, rules, changes and even random actions. You have no rights here, only duties.
Having said that, we do feel a level of control that makes sense to the user in general is what we should strive for. The way our users act on the board demonstrates we are fairly succesfull in keeping the rules logical, and more to the advantage than limitation of the average user. It will never be perfect, welcome to the real life which is give and take.
It so happens that an extremely small number of individuals feel a constant need to criticise on that, in a way so twisted that I won't even try to describe it. We will not spoil any more energy on that than we already have.
If you like this place the way we run it - like most users do - feel welcome. If you don't like it, there must be plenty of alternatives.
P.S. Any more statements not factually true, like the above that I won't allow feedback, will be removed without further explanation. Here too, I could start an enormous list of examples to prove you wrong, but I really have more interesting things to do.