EGWU 22.09.2022 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 22.09.2022 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Thursday 22nd September visitors,

9H-ILB CL-850 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT645 arr 10:21 from EGSS dep 12:16 to LIMC
C-GBAS EMB-550 Air Sprint ASP875 arr 19:11 from CYQX dep 24th/10:51 to CYFB
CS-CHF CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE260P arr 17:21 from EGLF dep 23rd/09:00 to LSGG
CS-CHG CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE127N/338D arr 10:47 from EDMO dep 15:13 to ESSB
CS-DLH Falcon 2000EX NetJets Transportes Aereos arr 16:47 from EGJJ dep 23rd/11:38 to EHBK
CS-DXM Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE174T arr 14:58 from EGLF dep 16:39 to LSGG
CS-GLH Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE149G/459K arr 14:19 from LIMJ dep 17:02 to LPPT
CS-LTO Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE526A/485N arr 14:26 from EBBR dep 17:33 to LSZA
CS-PHO EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE956Y arr 18:27 from LFPB dep 23rd/08:35 to EDDL
HB-JFI Falcon 2000LX Jet Aviation Business Jets PJS800 arr 09:34 from LIML dep 11:47 to LSGG
HB-JWY G550 Premium Jet AG arr 15:45 from LSZH dep 23rd/14:40 to LSZH
LN-AWC Lear Jet 45 Airwing AS NWG315 arr 13:37 from ESSB dep 23rd/11:34 to EHAM
LX-PCF Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA38G/42K arr 19:01 from EGLF dep 23rd/08:27 to LFPB
N150QS Global 6000 NetJets Inc. arr 16:17 from LSZH dep 18:43 to EDDB
N1428N G-IVSP Napiat 1428 LLC arr 16:43 from LFPB dep 25th/17:37 to LEGR
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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