ETAR 06-08-2022

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ETAR 06-08-2022

Post by JetStar2 »

overflew ETAR last night around 20:00 and was able to read almost all from my pics. A C-17 on the hot cargo ramp remains unknown to me.

95-0121/GA E-8C

91-1233 C-130H
91-1238 C-130H
89-9104 C-130H
89-9105 C-130H

10-0221 C-17A
05-5148/HH C-17A
10-0217 C-17A

85-0003 C-5M
85-0005 C-5M
86-0017 C-5M
87-0045 C-5M

"RS" C-130J-30:
08-8601, 11-5738, 08-5683, 11-5736, 07-8614, 15-5831
16-5883, 06-4631, 07-4635

74-1663/RS C-130H GIA

N67AU LM-100J
N96MC LM-100J

N454PA B747-46N (F)
Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: ETAR 06-08-2022

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

The hot cargo one was 06-6166
Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: ETAR 06-08-2022

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the excellent log ! I had much difficulties reading serials last Saturday, do to heatwaves.....
A few more aircraft were seen:
2xC37 (is the 0030 still in the USA, as stated in a May22 log? if so these two should be the 0029 & 0076?)
Furthermore a question: were all 4 C-130H's on the same platform? From the Bismarckturm I saw just three,
although I took a picture from the East-side of a C-130H somewhere near the G222, which itself couldn't be seen from the Turm (the 4th one?).

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Re: ETAR 06-08-2022

Post by JetStar2 »

91-1233 and 91-1238 were parked together, next to the E8
89-9104 and 89-9105 were parked a bit more to the east and there might have been a 3rd with the same tail band.
forgot C37 0076 in my log, it was also present. Did not see a 2nd C37 but that does not mean it wasn't there ;)

Buccaneer S.2B
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Re: ETAR 06-08-2022

Post by Buccaneer S.2B »

Thanks for clearing out the C-130H's. Indeed their was a 5th one, 90-1798 which arrived Saturday afternoon.

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