Real Thaw Beja airbase

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Real Thaw Beja airbase

Post by Sukhoi22 »

I was at the spottersday of Real Thaw 2022 at Beja airbase and saw the following:

F-104G 22+62 (gate) GAF
Alphajet: 15201 (HQ building), 15229 (gate)
T-38A 2610 (gate)

KC-390 2852 (PT-ZNG)

BAF 10Wing:
F-16AM: FA-69, FA-95, FA-87 (demo c/s), FA-102, FA-119, FA-123, FA-126, FA-136 (X-tiger)

DA-42 G-CTSU L3 CTS airline&training LTD.

105 (30-HE) EC.03.030
111 (30-IP) BR128/ ECE01.030
113 (30-IR) EC.02.030
125 (30-GD)(spec.cs) EC.02.030
142 (30-GU) SAL56/EC.03.030

It.AF MB339A 313Gr, Frecce Tricolori:
MM54482 (8), MM54510 (10), MM54514 (6), MM54518 (3), MM54538 (7), MM54539 (0),
MM54551 (9), MM55053 (1), MM55058 (2), MM55059 (5)

AW-119: 29701, 29702
C-295M 16704 NB
EH-101: 19608, 19610
F-16AM: 15103 (60yrs), 15105 (50 yrs), 15106 (tiger tail), 15110, 15131
F-16BM: 15120, 15144 (82-1033)
P-3C: 14809 (MLD 306), 14810 (MLD 307), 14811 (MLD 310)(hangar) +1 in hangar left side.
TB-30: 11406, 11417, 11418, 3 or 4 seen in Hangar stored. 1 ended with 114_5.

CAP232 Marche Verte: CN-ABS (6), CN-ABT (1), CN-ABW (7) + 4

Sp.AF. EF-2000 ALA 11 Bull (which unit is it?)
C.16-33 (11-33), C.16-35 (11-35), C.16-38 (11-38), C.16-43 (11-43) hangared, C.16-46 (11-46), C.16-56 (11-56)

USAFE 480FS, 52FW:
F-16CM 90-(0)818 (SP)
F-16CM 90-(0)828 (SP)
F-16CM 90-(0)829 (SP)"52OG"
F-16CM 90-(0)833 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)342 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)343 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)351 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)360 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)361 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)403 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)407 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)412 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)417 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(0)418 (SP)
F-16DM 91-(0)481 (SP)
F-16CM 91-(1)344 (SP) (in the books is 91-0344 (SP)
F-16CM 92-(3)918 (SP)
F-16CM 96-(0)080 (SP)

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Re: Real Thaw Beja airbase

Post by ehusmann »

Sukhoi22 wrote: 09 Jul 2022, 12:04 TB-30: 11406, 11417, 11418, 3 or 4 seen in Hangar stored. 1 ended with 114_5.
For what it is worth, the 11405 was flying on Monday.

And many thanks for the Frecce serials!
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