hot day at the fence, but movements,
arr 14:10, F-35´s: 17-5282/HL “419 OG” 466th FS, 17-5280/VT 134th FS/VT ANG.
t/o 14:30, 2x F-35.
arr 14:35, F-35´s: 17-5279/VT 134th FS/VT ANG, 17-5278/VT 134th FS/VT ANG.
14:45 - 15:20, F-16D: 91-472/SP 480FS/52FW.
arr 14:55, KC-135: 38871/AMC 92/141ARW.
arr 15:15, KC-10: 86-0028.
arr 15:25, F-35´s: 18-5338/VT 134th FS/VT ANG, 18-5360/VT 134th FS/VT ANG.
arr 16:10, EA-18G: 169129/NL-535 VAQ-134
arr 16:25, EA-18G: 168767/NL-532 VAQ-134
2 more Growlers flew in the morning of which 530 was one according witnesses, the F-35´s arriving 15:25 were probably the ones taking off at 14:30 since said witnesses witnessed the same a/c arriving earlier in the day, only local F-16 highly likely flew tech. flight since it was clean config.
ETAD 29-06-22 afternoon
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