EHRD 24-06-2022

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EHRD 24-06-2022

Post by Gietje »

0735-0845 B738 OM-GTF
1130-1230 C68A N636QS
xxxx-1200 C56X OK-XLS
1455-1640 LJ45 D-CAAE
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Re: EHRD 24-06-2022

Post by eudokia »

0955-xxxx GLF5 N5616
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Re: EHRD 24-06-2022

Post by Gietje »

Arr 0715 B738 TC-TJT CAI73ZP from LTAU
Arr 0830 C25B 9H-TGR HYP032 from EHGG
Dep 0905 B738 TC-TJT CAI76B to LTAU
Arr 0925 BE40 HA-YFK FCA1FJ from LEMG
Dep 1000 C510 OE-FNP GAC765V to EGNJ
Dep 1005 P28A F-GNCH to LFPN
Dep 1005 C25B 9H-TGR HYP032 to LOWS
Dep 1055 BE40 HA-YFK FCA2FJ to LHBP
Arr 1115 GLF5 N5616 GJE21 from LIRN
Arr 1130 C68A N636QS from LOWL
Dep 1200 C56X OK-XLS SUA741 to LFPB
Dep 1245 C68A N636QS to EGLF
Arr 1315 AS50 OO-STE from EBKW
Dep 1355 LJ35 N116MA to EHGG
Dep 1425 AS50 OO-STE to EBKW
Arr 1550 AS350 OO-STE from EBKW
Arr 1555 LJ45 D-CAAE AYY131 from LEBL
Arr 1610 C56X CS-DXQ NJE878Q from LSGG
Dep 1835 LJ45 D-CAAE AYY131 to EDDK
Arr 1910 SW4 D-CNAC BID42A from LOWG
Dep 1915 C56X CS-DXQ NJE9LB to LFQQ
Dep 2000 AS50 OO-STE to EBKW
Arr 2015 C425 D-IFGU from EGKA
Dep 2030 C425 D-IFGU to EDQG
Arr 2105 C56X CS-DXS NJE5CM from EGKB
Arr 2205 C25B LX-FPF FYL12F from LIPO
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