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Ramstein AB October 2021 movements
TBM700 77/XD ET00.043 CTM3883 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 77/XD ET00.043 CTM3883 dep to Sarajevo
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6301 arr from Naples
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6301 dep to Sigonella
UH-60L 96-26707 2-1st AVN arr from Illesheim AAF
UH-60L 96-26707 2-1st AVN dep to Illesheim AAF
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH429 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH923 dep to Larissa
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH877 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH890 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH180 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH223 dep to Souda bay
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH223 arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH889 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH889 dep to Agades
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH875 arr from Al Salem
C-5M 85-0008 9th RCH429 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH890 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1109 62nd AW RCH177 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH824 arr from Bahrain
C-17A 06-6158 21th AS RCH590 arr from Spangdahlem
C-17A 06-6162 21th AS RCH180 dep to Souda Bay
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH180 arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH223 dep to Bangor
C-17A 06-6167 3rd AS RCH858 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH105 dep to Niamey
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK50 arr from Papa
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK50 dep to Sigonella
C-5M 86-0014 337th AW RCH143 arr from Bangor
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH890 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 02-1109 62nd AW RCH177 dep to Bashur
C-17A 02-1109 62nd AW RCH177 arr from Bashur
C-17A 05-5140 729th AS RCH824 dep to Bangor
C-17A 06-6162 21th AS RCH180 dep to NAS Norfolk
C-17A 06-6167 3rd AS RCH858 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH105 arr from Niamey
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH103 dep to Evreux
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK50 arr from Incirlik
C-17A 02 SAC BARTOK50 dep to Papa
AC-130W 88-1302 16th SOS RCH1038 arr from Souda Bay
AC-130W 89-1051 16th SOS RCH1039 arr from Souda Bay
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANGRedeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-135R 62-3551/D 351st ARS Quid12 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 86-0014 337th AW RCH143 dep to Al Salti
C-5M 86-0014 337th AW RCH143 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH805 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH835 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH835 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH890 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 02-1109 62nd AW RCH177 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH1818 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH845 arr from Mussanah
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH238 arr from Larissa
B747 N429MC CMB136 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N429MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B757 N751CX ATN319 ATI arr from Pease AFB
B757 N751CX CMB319 ATI dep to Incirlik AFB
KC-135R 62-3551/D 351st ARS Quid12 dep to Lajes
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH840 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 99-0166 62nd AW RCH258 arr from Seymour-Johnson AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH876 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5152/HH 535th AS RCH655 arr from Lawson AAF
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH550 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7179 21st AS RCH886 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH179 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH1818 dep to Cairo
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH554 dep to Agades
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH845 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH103 arr from Evreux
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH913 arr from Campbell AAF
B757 N751CX ATN320 ATI dep to Pease AFB
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-10A 79-1946 60th AMW RCH829 arr from Travis AFB
KC-10A 79-1946 60th AMW RCH829 dep to Al Dhafra
C-5M 86-0014 337th AW RCH143 dep to Al Salti
C-5M 86-0015 68th AS RCH922 dep to McChord AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH840 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 99-0166 62nd AW RCH258 dep to Larissa
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH805 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG Bandage 05 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH855 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH550 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 07-7179 21st AS RCH886 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH179 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH554 arr from Agades
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH141 arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH779 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH779 arr from Ovda AB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH913 dep to Al Asad
B767 N740AX CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N740AX CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N662GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Al Udeid
CL600 D-AFAA IFA1281 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Nuremburg
CL600 D-AFAA IFA1281 FAI Rent A dep to Keflavik
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
C-17A 98-0056/AK 144th AS RCH914 arr from Lawson AAF
C-17A 99-0166 62nd AW RCH258 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH830 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH876 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH334 arr from NAS Norfolk
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH550 arr from Al Asad
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH655 arr from Erbil Int
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH141 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH916 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH916 arr from Ovda AB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH913 arr from Al Asad
B767 N740AX ABX2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
B767 N662GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Bucharest
B767 N662GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6308 arr from Naples
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6308 dep to Sigonella
E-8C 01-2005 128th ACCS Peach 75 arr from Bangor
C-5M 87-0039 337th AS RCH810 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 98-0056/AK 144th AS RCH914 dep to Erbil
C-17A 98-0056/AK 144th AS RCH914 arr from Erbil
C-17A 99-0166 62nd AW RCH655 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH830 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH334 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH335 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH106 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH550 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH290 dep to RAF Lakenheath
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH913 dep to McChord AFB
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1283 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Trabzon
AC-130W 88-1302 16th SOS RCH1038 dep to Keflavik
AC-130W 89-1051 16th SOS RCH1039 dep to Keflavik
C-5M 87-0039 337th AS RCH810 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 98-0056/AK 144th AS RCH914 dep to McChord AFB
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 arr from Bangor
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH334 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH335 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH106 dep to
C-17A 05-5152/HH 535th AS RCH258 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH161 arr from Bangor
C-17A 07-7186 437th AW RCH559 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH690 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH290 arr from Larissa
B777 N819AX OAE8318 Omni Air Int arr from Biggs AAF
B777 N819AX CMB585 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia Int
B777 N828AX CMB589 Omni Air Int arr from Forth Worth
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1283 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nuremberg
E-8C 95-0121 128th ACCS Peach 75 dep to Rota
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH197 arr from King Faisel Navel AB
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH807 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH807 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 dep but return back
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 arr back after dep
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH830 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH334 dep to NAS Norfolk
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH806 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH233 arr from Siaullai
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH161 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 07-7186 437th AW RCH559 dep to Bangor
B747 N429MC CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N429MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N828AX CMB589 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia Int
B767 N819AX CMB503 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B767 N640GT GTI8630 Atlas Air arr from Houston
B767 N662GT GTI8642 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT GTI8643 Atlas Air dep to
B767 N207AX CMB505 Omni Air Int arr from Fort Worth
B767 N207AX CMB505Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
TBM700 33/XA ET00.043 CTM3883 arr from Lyon
TBM700 33/XA ET00.043 CTM3883 dep to Bordeaux
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-135R 63-3551/D 351st ARS Quid12 arr from Lajes
KC-135R 63-3551/D 351st ARS Quid12 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-5M 84-0060 22nd AS RCH800 arr from Buckley AFB
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH161 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH197 dep to NAS Norfolk
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH807 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 97-0048 89th AS RCH884 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 97-0048 89th AS RCH884 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH879 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH299 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH806 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH233 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH289 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
B767 N640GT CMB513 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N641GT GTI8584 Atlas Air arr from Seattle
B767 N641GT GTI8585 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
TBM700 110/XP ET00.041 CTM3820 arr from Lyon
TBM700 110/XP ET00.041 CTM3820 dep to Lyon
C-5M 84-0060 22nd AS RCH800 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-5M 84-0060 22nd AS RCH800 arr from Prince Sultan AB
C-5M 85-0005 9th AS RCH525 arr from Dover AFB
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH160 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH807 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH879 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH299 dep to Kiev
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH806 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH690 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH289 arr from Ovda AB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH297 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
B767 N662GT GTI8586 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT GTI8587 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N640GT GTI8624 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT GTI8625 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N477AX CMB523 Omni Air Int arr from Fort Worth
B767 N477AX CMB523 Omni Air Int dep Philidelphia
B767 N468AX CMB521 Omni Air Int arr from Fort Worth
B767 N468AX CMB521 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air dep to Incirlik
B777 N2250U UA2586 United Airlines arr from Washington-Dulles
B777 N2250U UA2575 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
Learjet 35 LJ-2 TukiLLV FNF174 arr from Tampere
Learjet 35 LJ-2 TukiLLV FNF174 dep to Tampere
TBM700 110/XP ET00.041 CTM3831 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 110/XP ET00.041 CTM3831 dep to Chievres
UH-60L 96-26707 2-1st AVN Army26707 arr from Illesheim AAF
UH-60L 96-26707 2-1st AVN Army26707 dep to Illesheim AAF
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH806 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH866 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH866 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH297 arr from Ovda AB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH295 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH295 arr from Ovda AB
B747 N471MC GTI8310 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N471MC GTI8311 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
B767 N641GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Bucharest
B767 N662GT GTI8625 Atlas Air arr from Philidelphia
B767 N662GT GTI8589 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N468AX CMB549 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B767 N351AX CMB510 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N2142U UA2589 United Airlines arr from Philidelphia
B777 N2142U UA2576 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
Learjet 35 LJ-2 TukiLLV FNF304 arr from Tampere
Learjet 35 LJ-2 TukiLLV FNF304 dep to Tampere
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC RCH605 arr from Prestwick
C-130J 05-8132 815th AS AFRC RCH610 arr from Prestwick
HH-60M 08-20168 2-1th AVN Army20168 arr from Illesheim AAF
HH-60M 08-20168 2-1th AVN Army20168 dep to Illesheim AAF
C-5M 84-0060 22nd AS RCH800 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH851 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH296 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH296 arr from Ovda AB
A330 N819CA NCR365 National Airlines arr from Savannah
B767 N468AX CMB549 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Bucharest
B767 N641GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B767 N351AX CMB510 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B767 N468AX CMB558 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B777 N2142U UA2586 United Airlines arr from Philidelphia
B777 N2142U UA2575 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
B777 N2550U UA2589 United Airlines arr from Washington-Dulles
B777 N2550U UA2576 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
B777 N828AX OAE8357 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B777 N828AX CMB545 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sq RRR1541 arr from Northolt
BAe146 ZE701 32(TR)sq RRR1541 dep to Kiev
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3851 arr from Chievres
TBM700 131/XQ ET01.041 CTM3851 dep to Villacoubly
KC-130J 168069/BH-069 VMGR-252 Bronco 51 arr from Moron
KC-130J 168069/BH-069 VMGR-252 Bronco 51 dep to Pristina
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH255 arr from McGuire AFB
C-5M 86-0016 22nd AS RCH821 arr from Travis AFB
C-5M 87-0039 337th AS RCH810 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH839 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH879 dep to but return back
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH879 arr back after dep
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH879 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH851 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH865 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH358 dep to Rota
A330 N819CA CMB564 National Airlines dep to Philidelphia
B747 N344KD CMB186 Western Global arr from RAF Mildenhall
B767 N645GT GTI8588 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT GTI8633 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N351AX CMB560 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B767 N351AX CMB560 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B767 N342AX CMB531 Omni Air Int arr from Fort Worth
B767 N342AX CMB531 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B777 N2142U UA2586 United Airlines arr from Washington-Dulles
B777 N2142U UA2575 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 658 dep to Larissa
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 658 arr from Graf Ignatievo
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 657 dep to Larissa
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 657 arr from Graf Ignatievo
KC-130J 168069/BH-069 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 arr from Moron
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH255 dep but arr back
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH255 arr after dep
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH255 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-5M 86-0016 22nd AS RCH821 dep to Al Dhafra
C-17A 92-3294 156th AS NC ANG RCH845 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4128 6th AS RCH785 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH106 arr from Sigonella
C-17A 06-6164 21st AS RCH822 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH865 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH272 arr from Bangor
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH104 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH358 arr from Prince Sultan AB
B747 N344KD WGN186 Western Global dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT GTI8633 Atlas Air arr from Philidelphia
B767 N645GT GTI8647 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B767 N468AX CMB558 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
B767 N351AX CMB579 Omni Air Int arr from Philidelphia
B767 N351AX CMB579 Omni Air Int dep to Philidelphia
C-17A 92-3294 156th AS NC ANG RCH845 dep to Bangor
C-17A 99-0068 62nd AWRCH184 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 99-0068 62nd AW RCH184 dep to Incirlik
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH851 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1106 62nd AW RCH815 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH875 arr from Amman
C-17A 04-4128 6th AS RCH785 dep to Agades
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH106 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH688 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 06-6164 21st AS RCH822 dep to Bangor
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH865 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH272 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH272 arr from Erbil
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH104 arr from Niamey
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH623 arr from NAS Norfolk
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH623 dep to Djibouti
B747 N471MC CMB132 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait int
B747 N471MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N645GT GTI8633 Atlas Air arr from Philidelphia
B767 N645GT GTI8649 Atlas Air dep to Philidelphia
B777 N2250U UA2586 United Airlines arr from Kuwait Int
B777 N2250U UA2576 United Airlines dep to Philidelphia
C295 CC-3 TukiLLV FNF315 arr from Jyvaskylan
C295 CC-3 TukiLLV FNF315 dep to Tampere
C295 012 8.BLTr PLF034 arr from Powidz
C295 012 8.BLTr PLF034 dep to Wroclaw
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 661 dep to Larissa
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 660 dep to Larissa
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 660 arr from Festesti
KC-130J 168069/ BH-069 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 dep to Aviano
KC-135R 60-0333/D 351st ARS QUID11 arr from RAF Mildenhall
KC-135R 60-0333/D 351st ARS QUID11 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH898 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 94-0065 155th AS TN ANG RCH870 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH863 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH893 arr from Prince Sultan
C-17A 02-1106 62nd AW RCH815 dep to NAS Norfolk
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH875 dep to Eglin AFB
C-17A 04-4128 6th AS RCH785 arr from Niamey
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH688 dep to Agades
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH688 arr from Agades
C-17A 06-6156 21st AS RCH820 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH865 dep to Bangor
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH4132 arr from Pratica di Mare
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH363 dep to Leipzig
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH862 arr from Biggs AAF
B757 N751CX ATN319 ATI Air arr from Bangor
B757 N751CX CMB319 ATI Air dep to Incirlik AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from McGuire AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik AFB
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 arr from Papa
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 dep to Sigonella
C-130J Z21122/ TS-MTL 11Sq TUN78 arr from Bizerte
C-130J Z21122/ TS-MTL 11Sq TUN78 dep to Tunis-Carthega
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 661 arr from Fetesti
F-16CJ …../SP 480th FS Heat 01 low app
F-16CJ …../SP 480th FS Heat 02 low app
KC-135R 57-1453 106th ARS AL ANG RCH429 arr from Cologne
C-17A 94-0065 155th AS TN ANG RCH870 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH863 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH893 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4128 6th AS RCH785 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH688 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 06-6166 21st AS RCH877 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH820 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH272 dep to Bangor
C-17A 08-8197 62nd AW RCH846 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0215 437th AW RCH862 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH623 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH623 dep to NAS Norfolk
B757 N751CX CMB320 ATI Air arr from Incirlik AFB
B757 N751CX ATN320 ATI Air dep to Bangor
B767 N317CM ABX2270 ABX Air arr from RAF Mildenhall
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 arr from Incirlik
C-130J Z21121 / TS-MTK 11sq TUN79 arr from Bizerte
C-130J Z21121 / TS-MTK 11sq TUN79 dep to Tunis-Carthega
G-V Nachshon Shavit 684 122Sq IAF324 arr from Tel-Nof AB
G-V Nachshon Shavit 684 122Sq IAF324 dep to Tel-Nof AB
C-17A 06-6166 21st AS RCH887 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH820 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7186 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Belfast
C-17A 07-7186 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Athens
C-17A 08-8195 62nd AW RCH4155 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 08-8197 62nd AW RCH846 dep to McChord AFB
B747 N452PA GTI8312 Polar Air Cargo arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N452PA PAC8976 Polar Air Cargo dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT GT8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Bucharest
B767 N317CM CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N317CM CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
Phenom T1 ZM335 45sq RFR7270 arr from RAF Cranwell
B-1B 86-0136/DY 28th BS Dark41 low app
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 arr from Stuttgart
KC-135R 57-1453 106th ARS AL ANG RCH429 dep to Birmingham (USA)
MC-130J 09-5713 Spock41 arr from Satenas AB
C-17A 97-0048 89th AS RCH655 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 00-0171/AK 144th AS RCH831 arr from Amman
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH890 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0182 167th AS WV ANG RCH863 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 00-0185/AK 144th AS RCH368 arr from RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH824 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6163 21st AS RCH824 dep to Bangor
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH188 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH820 dep to McGuire AFB
B767 N317CM ABX2271ABX Air dep to Lajes
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Bucharest
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B777 N2550U UA2577 United Airlines from Poznan
B777 N2550U UA2576 United Airlines dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 dep to Niamey
Phenom T1 ZM335 45sq RFR7270 dep to RAF Cranwell
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 676 dep to Larissa
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 dep to Aviano AFB
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Spock41 dep for local flight
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Spock41 arr from local flight
C-17A 97-0048 89th AS RCH655 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 99-0058 62nd AW RCH184 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-17A 00-0171/AK 144th AS RCH831 dep to Hurlburt Field
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH890 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 00-0178 89th AS RCH833 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0185/AK 144th AS RCH110 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH813 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH888 arr from Amman
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH177 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH481 dep to Moron AB
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH363 arr from Sigonella
BAe146 ZE701 32(R)Sq RRR1571 arr from Kiev
BAe146 ZE701 32(R)Sq RRR1571 dep to RAF Northolt
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 arr from Niamey
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 arr from Siauliai
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 dep to Siauliai
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 arr from Sigonella
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 dep to Keflavik
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Spock41 dep for local flight
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Spock41 arr from local flight
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH199 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 99-0058 62nd AW RCH184 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0178 89th AS RCH833 dep to Bangor
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH422 arr from Oklahoma City
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH813 dep to Amman
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH888 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH177 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 07-7189 437th AWRCH622 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH622 dep to Keflavik
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH739 dep to RAF Mildenhall
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH739 arr from RAF Mildenhall
CL600 LX-RHC LRQ555E Luxembourg Air Ambulance arr from Luxembourg
CL600 LX-RHC LRQ555E Luxembourg Air Ambulance dep to Keflavik
C-17A 03 SAC BARTOK51 dep to Papa
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 682 arr from Larissa
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH890 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH422 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH813 arr from Amman
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH813 dep to Eglin AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH864 arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC CMB133 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N471MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 arr from Dubrovnik
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 arr from Keflavik
KC-130J 165810/BH-810 VMGR-252 Bronco 55 dep to Aviano AFB
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Spock41 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH823 arr from Dover AFB
C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH823 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH241 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH805 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH803 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH864 dep to Dover AFB
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik AFB
CL600 D-AFAA IFA1323 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nouachott
CL600 D-AFAA IFA1323 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nuremberg
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB503A Pheonix Air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB503A Phoenix Air dep to Hatzor AB
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 dep to Siauliai
C-5M 85-0005 9th AS RCH550 dep to Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH241 dep to Bangor
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH805 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH803 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH215 arr from Bangor
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH215 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH215 arr from Erbil
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH878 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH4593 arr from Pratica di Mare
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
C-5M 87-0039 337th AS RCH810 dep to Dover AFB
C-5M 87-0040 9th AS RCH860 arr from Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 00-0171/AK 144th AS RCH169 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH803 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH803 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH215 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH318 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH318 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH835 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH615 dep to Mombasa
C-17A 03-3126 6th RCH3222 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH915 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6156 21st AS RCH250 dep to Edinburgh
C-17A 06-6156 21st AS RCH250 arr from Edinburgh
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH867 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH188 dep to
C-17A 07-71174 3rd AS RCH439 arr from Bangor
C-17A 07-71174 3rd AS RCH439 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 08-8195 62nd AW RCH234 dep to Edinburgh
C-17A 08-8195 62nd AW RCH234 arr from Edinburgh
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH4587 arr from
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Bucharest
C295 017 8.BLTr PLF034 arr from Krakow
TBM700 105/XK ET00.043 CTM1306 arr from Barcelona
TBM700 105/XK ET00.043 CTM1306 dep to Bordeaux
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 786 dep to
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 786 arr from Beograd
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
C-5M 87-0040 9th AS RCH860 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH897 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 99-0062 437th ANG RCH657 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 99-0062 437th ANG RCH657 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 99-0167/AK 144th AS RCH872 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0171/AK 144th AS RCH169 dep to Baghdad
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH835 dep to Agades
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH878 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0194 89th AS RCH849 arr from Amman
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH800 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3126 6th RCH3222 dep to Edinburgh
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH915 dep to Niamey
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH935 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 06-6164 21st AS RCH546 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH867 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH439 arr from Erbil
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH439 dep to Bangor
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH4127 dep to Niamey
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH4544 arr from RAF Mildenhall
B747 N473MC GTI8311 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Bucharest
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB503A Phoenix Air arr from Larissa
Gulfstream III N183PA GRB503A Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C295 017 8.BLTr PLF034 dep to Wroclaw
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 679 dep to Larissa
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 678 dep to Larissa
C-5M 87-0031 337th AW RCH109 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH897 dep to Bangor
C-17A 99-0167/AK 144th AS RCH872 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH318 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH835 arr from Agades
C-17A 01-0194 89th AS RCH849 dep to Bangor
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH800 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH915 arr from Agades
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH3278 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 06-6156 21st AS RCH558 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 06-6164 21st AS RCH367 dep to Pratica di Mare
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH3248 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 08-8191 437th AW RCH841 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 08-8191 437th AW RCH841 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH481 arr from Moron
B767 N703KW EA9229 Eastern Airlines arr from Miami
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 arr from Siauliai
C-12U 84-00177 204th MI Bn Rebel 77 dep to Rotterdam
C-130J 04-8153 815th AS AFRC Herky 679 arr from Fetesti
C-130J 05-8152 815th AS AFRC Herky 678 arr from Graf Ignatievo
C-5M 87-0031 337th AW RCH109 dep to RAF Mildenhall but due strong crosswind it return back to Ramstein
C-5M 87-0031 337th AW RCH109 arr back after dep
C-17A 99-0167/AK 144th AS RCH872 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH803 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH4543 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH318 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH835 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH915 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8203 62nd AW RCH364 dep to Leipzig
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH4127 arr from Libreville
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH526 arr from Dushanbe
B767 N703KW EA3230 Eastern Airlines dep to Philidelphia
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 dep for local mission
E-8C 01-2005/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye8 arr from local mission
C-17A 99-0167/AK 144th AS RCH872 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH835 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0193 437th AW RCH4135 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 01-0196 167th AS WV ANG RCH800 arr from Bahrain
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH3250 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3127 62nd AW RCH633 arr from Bangor
C-17A 03-3127 62nd AW RCH633 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH867 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7180 437th AW RCH156 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH526 dep to Charleston AFB
B747 N473MC CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N473MC GTI8317 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
Ramstein AFB October 2021 logs
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- Posts: 1079
- Joined: 25 Aug 2011, 12:23