Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

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Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

Post by Stratofreighter » ... t-disposal
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Grumman TBM3 Avenger

Imperial War Museums
Date posted

The aircraft was restored to represent the Avenger President George Bush flew during the war and remains in this scheme, despite not being built until 1950. While in service it served with the Royal Canadian Navy supporting NATO anti-submarine activities. IWM is reviewing its collection, and has identified that this object is no longer required as it does not meet our purpose. If you are interested in requesting this item, please contact me before 4pm on Friday 12th November.
Mil Mi-24D Hind, Soviet designed helicopter gunship

Imperial War Museums
Date posted

This particular example of the Mi-24D Hind was operated by the East German Air Force during the latter years of the Cold War. IWM is reviewing its collection, and has identified that this object is no longer required as it does not meet our purpose. If you are interested in requesting this item, please contact me before 4pm on Friday 12th November. Please note that the recipient would need to cover transport costs from the Hinds current location in Arizona, USA.
Slingsby Kirby Cadet TX.3, 2 seat trainer glider per February 2025...
patrick dirksen
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Re: Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

Post by patrick dirksen »

For the number crunchers (like me ;-)):
Cadet is XN239/G
TBM-3 is CF-KCG/RCAF 326 paited as BuNo 46214
Mi-24 I presume is 96+21, which is on the list to be sold for years, although I had no idea this is currently residing in Arizona...

Patrick Dirksen
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Re: Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

Post by ehusmann »

patrick dirksen wrote: 21 Sep 2021, 20:07 Mi-24 I presume is 96+21, which is on the list to be sold for years, although I had no idea this is currently residing in Arizona...
It is in Pima, in its original East German paint, registration 406.

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Re: Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

Post by aerovet »

Let us hope that there is some Dutch museum reading this.....
An Avenger would be a nice addition to the national heritage!
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Re: Nov 2021: IWM Duxford is to dispose off Grumman Avenger, Mil Mi-24 Hind gunship plus historic glider...

Post by korenwolf »

Trouble with the IWM is that their policy dictates that every exhibit must be ""genuine" so the TBM was always going to have to go one day. Other museums are happy to take an aircraft and paint it in a 'non-original' scheme in order to tell a story, and I'm certain that it could find a good home somewhere; de Kooy would be a great place, they aren't bothered by displaying a Wasp and a Sea Hawk that didn't serve with the MLD. I bet the team at Lelystad could do a great job on it as well.

As for the Mi-24, what a ridiculous decision; it's a machine that would have been seen in the news all through the end of the 20th century in war zones, they shipped it off to Pima because it took up too much space in the hangar. Although it was East German, that is still a big part of the Cold War history. They have a Hungarian AF MiG-21 so how is that different??

As to the glider, yeah OK :roll: let it go to someone who can enjoy it :)
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