Below a log of what was seen during a roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria in august.
sa 31 jul 2021 Leipzig City
DDR-STB IL-18 V 180002001 Interflug on top of a building.
sa 31 jul 2021 Merseburg City
A-16 Alouette II SE.313A 1595 Private nm. All windows covered. "Airpark Museum" direction text. on a pole.
sa 31 jul 2021 Merseburg Museum
Log taken from outside the fence only, so not a full and complete log.
21+56 F-104G Starfighter 7025 German Air Force outside.
24+54 F-104G Starfighter 8202 German Air Force outside.
31+78 G.91 R-3 D446 German Air Force outside.
390 Mi-8 T 0223 East German Air Force outside.
670 MiG-21 MF 966206 East German Air Force outside.
673 MiG-21 MF 966207 East German Air Force outside.
75+86 Alouette II SE.3130 1511 German Army outside.
DDR-SCZ Tu-134 9350913 Interflug outside.
DM-SEC IL-62 10903 Interflug outside.
EB+119 RF-84F Thunderflash 41? German Air Force marked EB-368. outside.
mo 02 aug 2021 Bakov nad Jizerou Highway
OK-WAJ IL-18 D 187010101 Private BUGGYRA AIR tls with fake cs. .
tu 03 aug 2021 Roudnice City
1005 MiG-21 F-13 061005 Czechoslovak Air Force
3706 Su-22 M-4K 37406 Czech Air Force #52.
3775 MiG-15 bisSB 623775 Czechoslovak Air Force nm. on top of a container,
3839 MiG-15 bis 623839 Czechoslovak Air Force nm. on top of a container,
There's also a Mi-2 here (2509) but views were obstructed so I couldn't see it.
th 05 aug 2021 Vyskov Museum
This is a almost a full log, except for the drones and uav's and the comments below.
0303 L-29 Delfin 290303 Czech Air Force
0412 MiG-19 S 150412 Czechoslovak Air Force
0423 MiG-19 S 150423 Czechoslovak Air Force #1923.
0599 Mi-4 0599 Czechoslovak Air Force
0720 L-39 V 630720 Czech Air Force a/w, nm.
0735 L-39 V 630735 Czech Air Force
0817 MiG-21 U-400 660817 Czech Air Force
0818 Mi-8 T 10818 Czech Air Force
1015 Su-7 UM 1015 Czech Air Force
1016 Su-7 UM 1016 Czech Air Force
1102 MiG-19 PM 651102 Czechoslovak Air Force
1106 MiG-21 F-13 261106 Czechoslovak Air Force
1111 MiG-21 F-13 261111 Czechoslovak Air Force
12-07 Letov KT-04 Drone drone Czech Air Force
12-10 Letov KT-04 Drone drone Czech Air Force
1212 MiG-21 PF 761212 Czechoslovak Air Force
1313 MiG-21 PF 761313 Czechoslovak Air Force
2101 MiG-21 R 94R2101 Czech Air Force
2404 IL-28 RT 52404 Czechoslovak Air Force
2703 MiG-21 MA 962703 Czechoslovak Air Force
2848 L-29 Delfin 892848 Czech Air Force
3133 Avia-14 913133 Czechoslovak Air Force
3144 Avia-14 T 913144 Czechoslovak Air Force
3304 MiG-23 ML 0390323304 Czech Air Force
3645 MiG-23 MF 0390213645 Czech Air Force
3912 MiG-15 bisSB 623912 Czechoslovak Air Force
4005 Mi-1 SM-1 404005 Czechoslovak Air Force
4101 MiG-21 MF-75 96004101 Czech Air Force
412 TS-11 Iskra bisA 1H0412 Polish Air Force
4139 Mi-4 04139 Czechoslovak Air Force
5521 Su-7 BM 5521 Czech Air Force #21red.
5734 MiG-23 BN 0393215734 Czech Air Force
6017 Mi-1 SM-1 506017 Czechoslovak Air Force
6427 Su-7 BKL 6427 Czech Air Force
6511 Su-7 BKL 6511 Czech Air Force
7183 MiG-23 MF 0930217183 Czech Air Force
7701 MiG-21 MF 967701 Czech Air Force
8001 MiG-21 PFM 94N8001 Czech Air Force
8941 Mi-2 568941124 Czechoslovak Air Force Tailboom disconnected.
9013 Su-25 K 25508109013 Czech Air Force
9820 MiG-23 BN 0393209820 Czech Air Force No tail section.
B-2745 Mi-2 5310345097 Czech Police
OK-FXE Mi-8 T 10546 Aerocentrum nm.
OK-WJT LET Cmelak Z-37 03-14 Private
05 Sojka III -- Private drone inside the shed
06 Sojka PE80VM-06 -- Private drone inside the shed
202 Sojka II -- Private drone inside the shed
0125 Tu-143 -- Private uav
unk B-33 -- Private Wreck
Mi-2 8749 was not seen in the place where it should be. Removed?
Mig-19 0423 is vaguely marked 1923. Is this frame indeed 0423?
2 more Tu-143 uav should be here (not seen) but I only found out after my visit. They may have been in the small open hangar.
1 more unk B-33 wreck should be here (not seen) but again I only found out after my visit.
fr 06 aug 2021 Koprivnice Regional/Tatra Museum
OK-AXM Jungmann Z.131 C-104 167 Private #OK-TAB.
fr 06 aug 2021 Ostrava-Vitkovice
0816 MiG-21 U-400 660816 Czech Air Force nm. spec cs.
fr 06 aug 2021 Pribor City
3669 MiG-15 bis 613669 Czechoslovak Air Force
fr 06 aug 2021 Velka Bystrice
OK-SKY L-39 C 630627 Private nm. Blue cs with yelloy SEKO tls. on a pole
sa 07 aug 2021 Zilina Airport
OM-BYL Yak-40 K 9940560 Government of Slovakia
su 08 aug 2021 Slavnica Museum
Full log
1133 MiG-15 SB 141133 Slovak Air Force
2220 Su-22 M-4K 22720 Slovak Air Force #B.
5101 Avia-14 S(M) 015101 Czechoslovak Air Force
5316 Su-7 BM 5316 Slovak Air Force
9502 MiG-21 MF 969502 Slovak Air Force
B-2950 Mi-2 535950019 Slovak Police
OK-AFB Tu-134 A 1351410 CSA Czechoslovakian Airlines
OK-BYQ Li-2 P 23442309 Government of Czechoslovakia
OM-HJO LET Cmelak Z-37A 23-06 Private
OM-JET L-29 Delfin 691901 Private
OM-VHB An-2 R 1G238-54 SNA
OE-LVJ F100 11359 Austrian NM basic Austrian cs. fuse, wings & tail loose.
th 12 aug 2021 Poysdorf City
SP-WXU Mi-2 514045035 Polish Air Rescue on a roof
fr 13 aug 2021 Konesin Aviation Museum
Supposed to be a full log, but according to various lists there should be more aircraft here.
0003 L-29 Delfin 190003 Czech Air Force
0103 Mi-24 D M340103 Czech Air Force
0305 MiG-21 F-13 560305 Czechoslovak Air Force
0448 L-39 C 530448 Czech Air Force No tail section.
0603 IL-14 FG 4340603 Czechoslovak Air Force
0714 MiG-21 F-13 760714 Slovak Air Force
3008 MiG-15 bisSB 713008 Czechoslovak Air Force
3908 L-39 V X-08 Czech Air Force
5008 Su-25 K 25508105008 Czech Air Force
5603 MiG-21 MFN 96005603 Czech Air Force Cockpit only.
OK-WLT Corvus IF 003 Private
OM-AJG LET Cmelak Z-37 13-04 Private
UNMARKED Ibis Aerospace Ae270 0010 Ibis Aerospace Unfinished airframe.
SP-FSC Mi-2 5311105129 Private nm. blue paint removed.
OK-YKF LET XL-410 003 Private As OK-176.
UNMARKED L-39?? -- Private Cockpit section only inside.
Not seen was OK-UZB L-610. Too big to hide in the small hangar/shed.
Also not seen were Mig-21 1201, 2x Mig-21 cockpit sections 7815 and 4175 and Mi-4 0751. They may have been in/around the little hangar/shed.
mo 16 aug 2021 Zruc Air Park
Not a full log as the museum has 2 seperate areas devided by a fence and I did not visit both.
1st area is the museum where you can walk around and under every aircraft.
The 2nd area is accessible only on a tour by the owner (at additional admission).
This 2nd area also includes the storage/boneyard with lots of bits and pieces.
Fortunately a lot can be seen from the 1st area by walking along the fence except the storage/boneyard.
0133 MiG-21 US 01685133 Czech Air Force
0216 Mi-24 D M340216 Czech Air Force
0221 Mi-24 D 340221 Czech Air Force
0312 MiG-21 F-13 560312 Czechoslovak Air Force
04-11 Letov KT-04 Drone Czech Air Force
0507 IL-14 4340507 Czechoslovak Air Force
0543 MiG-15 220543 Czechoslovak Air Force
0715 Mi-2 5110715088 Czechoslovak Air Force
0815 Mi-8 PS 10815 Czechoslovak Air Force
0876 MiG-19 S 650876 Czechoslovak Air Force
0918 MiG-19 PM 650918 Czechoslovak Air Force
100 MiG-23 UB A1078504 German Air Force #23
1003 Tu-154 M 00A1003 Czech Air Force
1032 Mi-8 T 041032 Air Tranta
104648 CF-104D Starfighter 583A-5318 Canadian Armed Forces #104634
1104 MiG-19 PM 651104 Czechoslovak Air Force
1107 An-30 1107 Czech Air Force
1307 MiG-21 PF 761307 Slovak Air Force
1808 MiG-21 PF 761808 Polish Air Force
2501 MiG-15 UTI 722501 Czechoslovak Air Force
2543 Mi-4 12543 Czechoslovak Air Force
2611 L-29RS Delfin 792611 Czech Air Force
2810 L-29R Delfin 892810 Czech Air Force
304 Mirage IIIR 304 French Air Force #33-TN
3145 Avia-14 T 913145 Czechoslovak Air Force #OK-LCC
3146 Avia-14 913146 Czechoslovak Air Force
32+70 G.91 R-3 D540 German Air Force
4033 PZL-Swidnik SM-1 Wb 604033 Czechoslovak Air Force
4043 Mi-1 SM-1 W04043 Czechoslovak Air Force
4401 MiG-21 MF 964401 Slovak Air Force
42 Curtiss P-40 -- Private Replica
5101 MiG-21 UM 516923001 Slovak Air Force
5237 MiG-15 225237 Czechoslovak Air Force #ML-23
526 WSK Lim-6 R 1J-0526 Polish Air Force
6103 Avia-14 M 806103 Czechoslovak Air Force
6509 Su-7 BKL 6509 Czech Air Force
7110 An-24 B 17307110 Czech Air Force
8189 MiG-21 MF 96008189 Polish Air Force
8214 Mi-2 518214053 Czech Air Force
83 Super Mystere B2 83 French Air Force #24/10-SY
9814 MiG-23 BN 0393209814 Czech Air Force
D-EBIV Ce F150F 0047 Private nm. Fuse only.
FX-93 F-104G Starfighter 9160 Belgian Air Force
MM61826 C-47 4380 Italian Air Force #14-44 fuse only
N49548 KC-97L Stratofreighter 17062 Private nm. Tail section only.
OK-028 L-410 UVP 810625 Private
OK-9252 L-13A Blanik 170211 Private wings only.
OK-AJQ Cmelak Z-37 11-17 Private
OK-DFI Tu-134 A 3351908 CSA Czechoslovakian Airlines Cockpit section only.
OK-LLH Zlin Trener 6 Z-226T 123 Private
OK-NDF Tu-104 A 9350801 CSA Czechoslovakian Airlines/Aeroflot
OK-PAE IL-18 V 181002902 CSA Czechoslovakian Airlines
OK-PJA Zlin Agro-Turbo Z-37T 001 Private
OK-RVJ Heli-Baby HC-102 02-13 Private
OK-SGQ PZL-Mielec Dromader M-18A 1Z017-18 Private wings and tail only.
OM-FOR Zlin Z-43 0073 Private
SP-EAB PZL-104 35A 48032 Private
SP-LHE Tu-134 A 48405 LOT Polish Airlines no tail.
SP-NXN Morava L-200D 171312 Private #OK-HXN
XN784 Lightning F.2A 95137 Royal Air Force wings detached
UNMARKED LF-109 Pionyr -- Private cockpit only
Also present under the IL-18 a fuselage of what looks like a PZL aircraft.
The An-2 OK-KIF was not seen. It's place in the museum was empty.
tu 17 aug 2021 Magdeburg
DDR-SCB Tu-134 8350503 Interflug
RA-3560K An-28 1AJ005-14 Tep Trans No tail.
RF-00308 An-28 1AJ001-04 MD Skydive
Log during roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria
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- Scramble Master
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Re: Log during roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria
Great log, thanks!
th 05 aug 2021 Vyskov Museum
This is a almost a full log, except for the drones and uav's and the comments below.
< snip >
3645 MiG-23 MF 0390213645 Czech Air Force => this is just a nose section
< snip >
4101 MiG-21 MF-75 96004101 Czech Air Force => this is also just a nose section
MiG-21 1201 went to Slovakia (Most Pri Bratislave) as a nose section, while MiG-21 7815 was never here AFIK. I don't know about MiG-21 4175 or the Mi-4, they might still be there indeed. Also no sign of L-410 OK-20, which should bere here?fr 13 aug 2021 Konesin Aviation Museum
Supposed to be a full log, but according to various lists there should be more aircraft here.
< snip >
Also not seen were Mig-21 1201, 2x Mig-21 cockpit sections 7815 and 4175 and Mi-4 0751. They may have been in/around the little hangar/shed.
Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
- Scramble Die-Hard
- Posts: 640
- Joined: 22 Jun 2009, 12:42
- Subscriber Scramble: AndyMarden
Re: Log during roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria
OK-20 is the same aircraft as OK-YKF Patrick.
Re: Log during roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria
Indeed and vaguely marked as OK-176 only.
Re: Log during roadtrip through Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Austria
Thanks Patrick. I'll investigate further.patrick dirksen wrote: ↑06 Sep 2021, 21:59 fr 13 aug 2021 Konesin Aviation Museum
MiG-21 1201 went to Slovakia (Most Pri Bratislave) as a nose section, while MiG-21 7815 was never here AFIK. I don't know about MiG-21 4175 or the Mi-4, they might still be there indeed. Also no sign of L-410 OK-20, which should bere here?