ETAR 03-08-2021

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Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Joined: 14 Mar 2016, 19:42

ETAR 03-08-2021

Post by Jovel »

RCH777 C-130J-30 06-8611 dep
RCH037 C-130J-30 08-5691 dep
RCH100 C-130J-30 10-5701 dep
RCH462 C-130J-30 11-5732 dep
RCH301 C-130J-30 08-3175 dep
RCH743 C-130J-30 08-3179 dep

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Richard de Florennes
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Subscriber Scramble: Richard de Florennes
Location: Rheinland Nord

Re: ETAR 03-08-2021

Post by Richard de Florennes »

Weather: scattered/broken clouds, clear air, moderate/heavy showers,
some sun by evening, light to moderate wind, cool, becoming warm

(05:30 – 20:30 near runway 09 approach)

C-17A 305thAMW 44130 yw/bl L06:29
C-17A 305thAMW 44128 yw/bl L14:52

C-130J 86thAW 68611/RS bl/wt T07:17
C-130J 86thAW 74635/RS bl/wt T09:50

C-21A 86thAW 40096 bl/gd T10:02 L16:18 a1
C-21A 86thAW 40085 bl/gd T10:45 L13:15 a1

C-130J 317thAW 85691 flg T07:45
C-130J 317thAW 05701 flg T08:45
C-130J 317thAW 15732 flg T08:57
C-130J 317thAW 83175 flg T09:30
C-130J 317thAW 83179 flg T10:16

C-17A 105thAW 10188 bk/wt T08:10
C-17A 164thAW 55151/HH yw/rd T10:30
C-17A 60thAMW 66158 bk/wt T09:52

KC-46A 22ndARW 86040 -/- T09:50 (04.08.)

C-17A 145thAW 21107 bl/yw L13:11
C-17A SAC/HAW 80003 rd/wt L14:14
C-17A 62ndAW 21108 gn/wt L20:27

C-130J 86thAW 65883/RS bl/wt L15:05
C-130J 86thAW 88603/RS bl/wt "37 AS" L15:24
C-130J 86thAW 78609/RS bl/wt L15:27
C-130J 86thAW 88602/RS bl/wt "86 OG" L15:59
C-130J 86thAW 74635/RS bl/wt L18:55
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