Present in the second half of February for a gunnery exercise were the following.
CH-47F 13-08432 B/1-214th AVN
CH-47F 13-08434 B/1-214th AVN
CH-47F 13-08435 B/1-214th AVN
UH-60A+ 84-23936 C/1-214th AVN
UH-60A+ 85-24397 C/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 10-20272 A/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 10-20311 A/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 10-20314 A/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 15-20741 A/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 15-20743 A/1-214th AVN
UH-60M 15-20754 A/1-214th AVN
Baumholder (ETEK) 2021 Mil
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