any update or corrections are welcome
C-37A 99-0402 99th AS SAM640 dep to Chievres
C-37A 99-0402 99th AS SAM640 arr from Chievres
C-5M 87-0029 21st AS RCH871 arr from Travis AFB
C-17A 99-0058 62nd AW RCH108 dep to Amman
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH911 arr from
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG850 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5150/HH 535th AS RCH633 arr from
C-17A 09-9209 62nd AW RCH925 dep to
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
C-37A 99-0402 99th AS SAM640 dep to Andrews AFB
CH-47F 13-08132 1-214th AVN Grit 11 arr from Ansbach
CH-47F 13-08132 1-214th AVN Grit 11 dep to Ansbach
KC-135R 63-8025 92nd ARW RCH896 arr from Al Udeid
KC-135R 63-8025 92nd ARW RCH896 dep to Fairchild AFB
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH792 arr from Bangor
C-5M 87-0029 21st AS RCH871 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH818 arr from Hunter AAF
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH635 arr from
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH268 arr from
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH911 dep to
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH850 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH880 arr from
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH419 dep to
C-17A 05-5150/HH 535th AS RCH633 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW Bandage 80 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH137 arr from Istres?
C-17A 09-9212 437th AW RCH140 arr from Andrews AFB
TBM700 125/XO ET00.060 CTM3833 arr from
TBM700 125/XO ET00.060 CTM3833 dep to Villacoubly
C-12C 76-0164 USE Riyadh Guts 65 arr from Sofia
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH818 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH635 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH268 dep to Bangor
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH880 dep to Bangor
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH828 arr from
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH828 dep to Charleston AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH614 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW Bandage 82 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 09-9212 437th AW RCH140 dep to
B747 N401KZ CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N401KZ CMB161 Kalitta Air dep to Mildenhall AFB
B747 N471MC CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC CMB135 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N640GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
C-17A 03 SAC Bartok 98 arr from Papa
C-17A 03 SAC Bartok 98 dep to Papa
TBM700 125/XO ET00.060 CTM3826 arr from Villacoubly
TBM700 125/XO ET00.060 CTM3826 dep to Villacoubly
C-12C 76-0164 USE Riyadh Guts 65 dep to Shannon
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM637 arr from
F-16CJ 90-0813/SP 480th FS ?? low app
F-16CJ 91-0343/SP 480th FS ?? low app
UH-60L 99-26832 6-101st AVN Army26832 arr from
UH-60L 99-26832 6-101st AVN Army26832 dep to
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH818 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH225 arr from
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH850 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH885 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH419 arr from
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH811 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH614 dep to Bangor
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH637 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 09-9212 437th AW RCH140 arr from
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH814 dep to Djibouti
B747 N356KD KD8186 Western Global Airlines arr from Mildenhall AFB
B747 N356KD KD8186 Western Global Airlines dep to Hahn
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N640GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA arr from Lajes
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM637 dep to Andrews AFB
C-40C 02-0202 201st AS Boxer 40 arr from Shaw AFB
HH-60M 14-20697 6-101st AVN Army20697 arr from Illesheim AAF
HH-60M 14-20697 6-101st AVN Army20697 dep to Illesheim AAF
KC-130J 169226/QB-226 VMGR-352 Creep 91 arr from Al Jaber
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH818 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH225 dep to MCAS Cherry Point
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH885 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH419 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH409 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 09-9211 62nd AW RCH215 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 dep to
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH814 arr from Djibouti
B747 N919CA CMB141 National Airlines arr from McGuire AFB
B767 N640GT GTI8936 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB149 Atlas Air dep to Naples
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA dep to Ali al Salem
Gulfstream III N198PA PH472 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6306 arr from Sigonella
C-40C 02-0202 201st AS Boxer 40 dep to Al Udeid
KC-130J 169226/QB-226 VMGR-352 Raider 28 dep to Lajes
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 41 arr from Rota
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 41 dep to Rota
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH160 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH885 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH049 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH811 arr from Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH806 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH806 dep to
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 arr from
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 dep to Agades
C-17A 10-0218 62nd AW RCH814 dep to Francis Stanley Gabreski
B747 N919CA CMB141 National Airlines dep to Mildenhall AFB
Gulfstream III N198PA PH472 Phoenix Air dep to Agades
B707 272 120sq IAF006 arr from Nevatim
B707 272 120sq IAF006 dep to Dover AFB
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6306 dep to Sigonella
C-40C 02-0202 201st AS Boxer 40 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH792 dep to
C-5M 87-0031 337th AS RCH101 arr from Warner Robins AFB
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH841 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH841 dep to McChord AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH823 dep to Al Dhafra
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH806 arr from
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH806 dep to
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 arr from Agades
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 dep to
B767 N640GT CMB149 Atlas Air arr from Naples
B767 N640GT GTI8937 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N198PA PH472 Phoenix Air arr from Niamey
Gulfstream III N198PA PH472 Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-40C 02-0202 201st AS Boxer 40 dep to Andrews AFB
C-5M 85-0010 22nd AS RCH431 arr from Rota
C-5M 87-0031 337th AS RCH101 dep to Westover AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH823 arr from Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 arr from
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
C-17A 93-0600 155th AS TN ANG RCH810 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH822 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 09-9212 437th AW RCH136 dep to
B747 N452PA GTI8367 Polar Air Cargo arr from Warner Robins AFB
B747 N452PA PO8976 Polar Air Cargo dep to Seoul
B747 N401KZ CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N401KZ CKS4916 Kalitta Air dep to Tokyo
B767 N312AA GB2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr Incirlik AFB
C-5M 85-0010 22nd AS RCH431 dep to
C-17A 93-0600 155th AS TN ANG RCH810 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH049 dep to
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH150 dep to Bagram
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH188 arr from
C-17A 07-7179 21st AS RCH897 arr from
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH1818 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH274 dep to Andrews AFB
B747 N710CK CMB162 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N471MC CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B707 272 120sq IAF006 arr from Dover AFB
B707 272 120sq IAF006 dep to Nevatim
C-40A 166695 VR-61 CNV6611 arr from Rota
C-5M 86-0026 22nd AS RCH848 arr from Spangdahlem AFB
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH843 dep to
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH822 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH820 arr from
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH049 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH177 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH150 arr from Wroclaw
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH188 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 07-7179 21st AS RCH897 dep to
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH391 arr from
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH1818 dep to
B747 N471MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B747 N710CK CKS9162 Kalitta Air dep to Sharjah
B747 N473MC GTI8372 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-40A 166695 VR-61 CNV6611 dep to Bardufoss
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Peach 75 arr from Bangor
HH-60M 15-20759 6-101st AVN Army20759 arr from Illesheim AAF
HH-60M 15-20759 6-101st AVN Army20759 dep to Illesheim AAF
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH843 arr from
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH843 dep to Baltimore
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG Bandage 01 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH177 dep to Niamey
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH177 arr from Niamey
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH821 arr from
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH391 dep to
B747 N473MC CMB138 Atlas Air dep to Kuwait Int
B767 N312AA GB2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 31 arr from Moron
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 31 dep to Moron
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH857 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH165 arr from
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH144 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH283 arr from Bardufoss
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH820 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH049 dep to Evreux
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH177 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH190 dep to
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH190 arr from Aviano AFB
B747 N709CK CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N709CK CKS4203 Kalitta Air dep to Amsterdam
Gulfstream III N198PA PH477A Phoenix air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N198PA PH477A Phoenix air dep to Souda Bay
EC-130H 73-1581/DM 43rd ECS Axis 43 arr from Souda Bay
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH857 dep to Al Udeid
C-5M 86-0012 22nd AS RCH563 arr from Travis AFB
C-5M 86-0026 22nd AS RCH848 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH165 dep to Charleston AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH144 dep to Bagram
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH283 dep to MCAS Beaufort
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH282 arr from Bardufuss
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH282 dep to MCAS Beaufort
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH821 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH858 arr from Bangor
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH858 dep to
B747 N473MC CMB138 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N473MC GTI8371 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
B747 N450PA CMB133 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N450PA GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
Gulfstream N48GL PH739 Phoenix Air arr from Agadez
Gulfstream G550 0001 1.BLTr PLF105 arr from Gdansk
Gulfstream G550 0001 1.BLTr PLF105 dep to Warsaw
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6115 arr from Sigonella
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH857 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH837 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH990 arr from Evreux
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
Gulfstream N48GL PH739 Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6416 arr from Sigonella
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6115 dep to Sigonella
C-40A 166695 VR-61 CNV6616 arr from Sigonella
C-40A 166695 VR-61 CNV6616 dep to Constanta
KC-135R 63-7999/D 351st ARS E10E2 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 63-7999/D 351st ARS E10E2 dep to Niamey
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH857 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH144 arr from Bagram
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH837 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH858 arr from
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH858 dep to Bangor
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N846AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N198PA PHA477A Phoenix Air arr from Souda Bay
Gulfstream III N198PA PHA477A Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
Gulfstream G550 0001 1.BLTr PLF105 arr from Warsaw
Gulfstream G550 0001 1.BLTr PLF105 dep to Gdansk
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6416 dep to Stuttgart
KC-135R 62-3499 92nd ARW RCH659 arr from Incirlik AFB
KC-135R 62-3499 92nd ARW RCH659 dep to Fairchild AFB
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 12 arr from Ansbach
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke 95 arr from Ansbach
C-5M 86-0012 22nd AS RCH563 dep to Westover AFB
C-17A 98-0057 137th AS NY ANG RCH144 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 99-0058 62nd AW RCH224 arr from Bangor
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH049 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH647 dep to Niamey
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW Bandage 35 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH830 dep to Ali Al Salem
B747 N575UP CMB174 UPS arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N575UP CMB173 UPS dep to Mildenhall
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
F-16CJ 90-0828/SP 480th FS Heat 02 low app
F-16CJ 90-0833/SP 480th FS Heat 01 low app
F-16CJ 91-0338/SP 480th FS ? low app
F-16CJ 91-0343/SP 480th FS ? low app
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 95 flt dep to Baumholder
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 95 flt arr from Baumholder
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke 95 flt dep to Baumholder
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke95 flt arr from Baumholder
C-17A 97-0044 89th AS RCH223 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 98-0058 62nd AW RCH224 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 98-0058 62nd AW RCH224 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH647 arr from Niamey
C-17A 07-7175 436th AW RCH988 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH801 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH801 dep to
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH830 arr from
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH870 dep to Al Udeid
B747 N450PA CMB139 Polar Air Cargo arr from Al Udeid
B747 N450PA PAC8367 Polar Air Cargo Dep to Miami
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream N98GL PH739 Phoenix Air arr from Amman
Gulfstream N98GL PH739 Phoenix Air dep to Bangor
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 51 arr from
C-32B 02-5001 150th SOS RCH749 arr from Amman
C-32B 02-5001 150th SOS RCH749 dep to Pope AFB
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 arr from local mission
EC-130H 73-1581/DM 43rd ECS Axis 43 dep to Keflavik
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt dep to Baumholder
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt arr from Baumholder
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt dep to Ansbach AAF
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt dep to Baumholder
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt arr from Baumholder
UH-60A 85-24397 1-214th AVN Duke 88flt dep to Ansbach AAF
C-17A 97-0044 89th AS RCH223 dep to Niamey
C-17A 99-0058 62nd AW RCH224 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH556 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 07-7175 436th AW RCH988 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH801 arr from
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH986 arr from
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH986 dep to Charleston AFB
B747 N471MC GTI8369 Atlas Air arr from Bagram
B747 N471MC GTI8369 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N477AX CMB160 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B767 N477AX CMB160 Omni Air Int dep to Naples
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 51 dep to
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 51 arr from
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 51 dep to Papa
C-17A 97-0044 89th AS RCH223 arr from Niamey
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH556 dep to
C-17A 07-7179 21st AS RCH865 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH801 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH160 dep to Brussels
B747 N575UP UPS1543 UPS arr from Mildenhall AFB
B767 N477AX CMB160 Omni Air Int arr from Napoli
B767 N477AX CMB160 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6121 arr from Chievres
KC-135R 63-7999/D 351st ARW Quid824 arr from
KC-135R 63-7999/D 351st ARW Quid824 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 97-0044 89th AS RCH223 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH556 arr from
C-17A 00-0180 758th AS RCH556 dep to Pope AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Andrews AFB
B747 N575UP UPS9601 UPS dep to Cologne
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1058 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Nuremburg
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1058 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nuremburg
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1057 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Lviv
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1057 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nuremburg
CL600 D-ATWO AYY162 Air Alliance arr from Cologne
CL600 D-ATWO AYY162 Air Alliance dep to Shannon
HH-60M 14-20697 6-101st AVN Army20697 arr from Illesheim AAF
HH-60M 14-20697 6-101st AVN Army20697 dep to Illesheim AAF
MC-130J 17-5876 415th SOS RCH1033 arr from
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH864 arr from
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH644 arr from Laurence G Hanscom Field
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH816 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Tel Aviv
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH160 arr from Pope AFB
B747 N471MC CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N471MC GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore Int
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik AFB
CC-155 15005 437Sq CFC4119 arr from Tel Aviv
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6121 dep to Brussels
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 arr from local mission
MC-130J 17-5876 415th SOS RCH1033 dep to Souda Bay
UH-60 90-26294 6-101st AVN Army26294 arr from Illesheim AAF
UH-60 90-26294 6-101st AVN Army26294 dep to Illesheim AAF
C-17A 97-0047 437th AW RCH575 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH864 dep to Charleston AFB
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH151 arr from Orland
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH921 arr from Orland
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH816 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH816 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH839 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH833 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8192 62nd AW RCH833 dep to Al Udeid
B767 N312AA GB2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA arr from Grafenwohr
CC-155 15005 437Sq CFC4119 dep to Ottawa
C-17A 97-0047 437th AW RCH575 dep to
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH935 dep but arr again
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH935 arr just after dep
C-17A 00-0172 156th AS NC ANG RCH935 dep to
C-17A 00-0181 167th AS WV ANG RCH921 dep to
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH860 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH166 arr from
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH166 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH714 arr from Pease AFB
B747 N450PA CMB136 Polar Air Cargo arr from Al Udeid
B747 N450PA PO8367 Polar Air Cargo dep to Dover AFB
B747 N451PA PO8372 Polar Air Cargo arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N451PA PO8376 Polar Air Cargo dep to Seoul
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N640GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA dep to Wiesbaden
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA arr from Wiesbaden
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6324 arr from Rota
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6324 dep to Sigonella
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 arr from local mission
F-35A 322Sqn F-010 NAF322A/B low app
F-35A 322Sqn F-012 NAF322A/B low app
C-17A 97-0047 437th AW RCH575 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-17A 97-0047 437th AW RCH575 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH410 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH860 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH877 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH109 dep to Amman
C-17A 03-3120 437th AW RCH100 arr from NAS Oceana
C-17A 03-3120 437th AW RCH100 dep to
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH196 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH196 dep to
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH196 arr from
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH610 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH616 arr from NAS Oceana
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH714 dep to
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH714 arr from
B767 N312AA GB2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N640GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-32B 99-6143 150th SOS RCH400 arr from Amman
C-32B 99-6143 150th SOS RCH400 dep to Bangor
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Atila 05 arr from local mission
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Mega41 arr from Mildenhall AFB
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Mega41 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 86-0013 68th AS RCH800 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 87-0032 22nd AS RCH824 arr from Bangor
C-17A 94-0065 155th AS TN ANG RCH815 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0004 62nd AW RCH854 arr from Bangor
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH410 dep to Agadez
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG RCH860 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH109 arr from Amman
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH877 RCH877 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH196 dep to Pope AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH180 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH180 dep to
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH913 arr from
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH616 dep to
C-17A 10-0223 437th AW RCH228 arr from Andrews AFB
CL600 N88 FLC88 FAA dep to Keflavik
C-37B 11-0550 99th AS SAM777 arr fom Andrews AFB
C-5M 87-0032 22nd AS RCH824 dep to
C-17A 94-0065 155th AS TN ANG RCH815 dep to Bangor
C-17A 96-0004 62nd AW RCH854 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH410 arr from Agadez
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH269 arr from NAS Oceana
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH269 dep to
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH644 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 03-3117 183rd AS MS ANG RCH877 RCH877 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH610 dep to
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH564 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH180 arr from
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH180 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 10-0223 437th AW RCH228 dep to
B747 N570UP UPS1542 UPS arr fom McGuire AFB
B747 N570UP UPS1542 UPS dep to Louisville Int
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1066 arr from Bahrain
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1066 dep to Nuremburg
C-37B 11-0550 99th AS SAM777 dep to Kabul?
UC-35A 95-00123 1-214th AVN Duke58 arr from Nuremburg
UC-35A 95-00123 1-214th AVN Duke58 dep to Wiesbaden
C-5M 86-0013 68th AS RCH800 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH325 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH205 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 00-0175 6th AS RCH410 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH272 dep but returned back
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH272 arr after dep
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH175 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH175 dep to King Abdullah II AB
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH844 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 08-8191 437th AW RCH221 arr from NAS Oceana
C-17A 08-8191 437th AW RCH221 dep to
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH610 arr from
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH616 arr from
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH616 dep to
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH714 dep to
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH714 arr from
C-17A 10-0223 437th AW RCH228 arr from
B747 N429MC CMB138 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N429MC GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
LJ45 D-CICU JCL7 Jetcall arr from Thessaloniki
LJ45 D-CICU JCL7 Jetcall dep to
Ramstein AB February 2021 log
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Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary |
- Scramble Addict
- Posts: 1079
- Joined: 25 Aug 2011, 12:23