EGWU 27.06.2018 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 27.06.2018 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Wednesday 27th June visitors,

9H-VCG CL-350 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT448 arr 10:59 from EGLF dep 11:44 to EDAF
9H-VCJ CL-350 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT492 arr 10:34 from LFPB dep 12:22 to BIRK
9H-VFF CL-605 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT552 arr 15:24 from EIDW dep 28th/09:05
CS-DKK G550 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE087G/866F arr 16:55 from KTEB dep 28th/10:33
CS-DXQ Cessna 560 XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE282B/033B arr 12:?? from EGLF dep 27th/16:59
CS-GLB Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE440N/415P arr 10:45 from LFMN dep 12:17 to LIRA
CS-LTB Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE940D/226Q arr 15:06 from EGCC dep 16:03
CS-LTD Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE300U/232B arr 16:48 from LIPR dep 28th/13:09
CS-PHB EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE655P/974G arr 16:42 from LIPR dep 28th/10:18
F-HGIO Cessna 510 Astonjet ASJ917 arr 11:20 from ELLX dep 16:07 to LFPB
LX-JNC CL-605 Luxaviation LXA21V arr 14:?? from EINN dep 15:16 to ELLX
LX-NMX Cessna 525B Jetfly Aviation JFA12V arr 12:26 from LSGG
N542AP Falcon 2000LX Pans (UK) Holdings Ltd. arr 10:29 from EGJJ dep 11:38 to EGHH
N606TJ Falcon 7X NPD Group Inc. arr 12:52 from LFPB dep 28th/15:32 to KHPN
N711LS Global 6000 TVPX Aircraft Registration Services arr 14:35
OO-ACC Cessna 525A Air Service Liège arr 09:37 from EHAM
PH-JTJ Cessna 680 ExxAero XRO341 arr 13:43
VP-BCT G650 Rockfield Ltd GMA732 arr 12:37 from LFMN dep 28th/09:02

Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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