EGWU 18.06.2018 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 18.06.2018 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Monday 18th June visitors,

9H-VCB CL-350 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT453 arr 13:42 from EGPE dep 14:36 to EGLF
9H-VFI CL-605 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT525 arr 16:22 from EGJJ dep 09:38 to EGJJ
9H-VTD Global 6000 VistaJet Malta Ltd VJT872 arr 16:13 from LIMB
CS-CHE CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE306Q/370C arr 08:25 from EGTK dep 09:55
CS-CHF CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE585L/551D arr 16:54 from LFTW dep 19th/11:53 to LSZA
CS-DLE Falcon 2000EX NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE611W/136K arr 10:25 from LFRM dep 15:10
CS-DLF Falcon 2000EX NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE342B/503W arr 16:44 from LFMN dep 19th/08:20
CS-DXQ Cessna 560 XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE085B/846M arr 11:03 from LSZH dep 19th/12:17
CS-GLA Global 6000 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE230P/472T arr 13:33 from EKCH dep 16:38 to LEMG
CS-LTI Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE895F/063F arr 08:55 from EDMO dep 12:29
D-AERO ERJ-135BJ Air Hamburg Private Jets AHO715A/645S arr 09:52 from LIMJ dep 19th/09:11 to LFKC
N70LF Falcon 900EX Gary Comer Inc. arr 15:29 from KMDW dep 22nd/09:30 to EGGW
OK-UGJ Cessna 680 UG Jet s.r.o. TVS50J arr 14:14 from EDDL dep 15:39
SE-RIZ Cessna 560 XLS H-Bird Aviation Services AB ETI718N arr 08:20 from LFRM
VP-BCT G650 Rockfield Ltd GMA730/741 arr 13:00 from LFMN dep 14:50 to LFMN
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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