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Försvarsmaktens veteranflygplan övertas av Saab och opereras av Swedish Air Force Historic Flight – Saab VD Håkan Buskhes glädjande ”present” vid FV 90 på Malmen den 26 augusti 2016.
Saab VD:
”It is Saab’s ambition, in close co-operation with the Swedish Air Force and the Swedish Air Force Historic Flight, to - from next year - take the ownership of five historical Saab built jet fighters – 3/32 C Lansen, 1/35J Draken and 1/37E – Viggen two seater.
Saab will own the fighters and make sure that they are in good flying conditions at least until Swedish Air Force celebrate its 100th anniversary in 10 years and one year later when Saab AB will celebrate our 90th anniversary.
Swedish Air Force Historic Flight will be operating the aircraft,
and the other Saab aircraft that they already today operate – and that you will be able to experience tomorrow and Sunday during the Air Force Air Shows.
Our strong Swedish jetfighter heritage will be kept where they belong - in the air“
Chefen för SwAFHF ser med tacksamhet på detta vilket innebär, om allt går som planerat, att Lansen kan ingå i ”Silvergruppen” nästa säsong samt att SK 37 möjliggör bl a inflygning av nya piloter fram till FV 100 år, år 2026 och Saab 90 år 2027.
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