scanner usage in the USA (MIL)

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scanner usage in the USA (MIL)

Post by Flanker »

hi there,

will be visiting some States (Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Hawaii) in August.
Although the trip is not 100% aircraft related, I still would like to try my luck at some airbases.
Thought of taking my scanner with me.
How do the Americans feel about scanners ?!?
Will it be worth the hassle to bring a scanner along ?

If anybody could share his/her experience, would be appreciated.

If okay to use scanners, can somebody help me with frequencies of Idaho (Gowen Field), Oregon (Portland) and Hawaii (Hickam) ?
Maybe somebody has directions on where to spot at these locations ?

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Re: scanner usage in the USA (MIL)

Post by pjotrtje »


From experience there are no problems to be expected. There's even people bringing their scanner to media days on base.

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Re: scanner usage in the USA (MIL)

Post by tally »

Flanker wrote:hi there,
If okay to use scanners, can somebody help me with frequencies of Idaho (Gowen Field), Oregon (Portland) and Hawaii (Hickam) ?
Maybe somebody has directions on where to spot at these locations ?

Check It will provide you the main VHF/UHF freqs. At Hickam make sure you contact the airport manager before you go out. Otherwise you may have some issues with airport security and local law enforcement. Simply tell them it for hobby and not commercial. I found it out the hard way but ever since no problems whatsoever. Best place for Hickam is at the end of Lagoon Dr. If air side, from the terminal you can have decent shots from the civvie stuff as well.

Good luck.
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