Type chosen; the US Navy C-2A Greyhound is to be replaced by

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Type chosen; the US Navy C-2A Greyhound is to be replaced by

Post by Stratofreighter »

...the HV-22 Osprey...

http://breakingdefense.com/2015/01/navy ... -delivery/
The Navy will buy V-22 Osprey tiltrotors to replace its aging C-2A Greyhound turboprop aircraft in flying carrier on board delivery (COD) missions.

Breaking Defense obtained a Jan. 5 memo, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph Dunford.

It stipulates that the Navy will buy four V-22s each year from fiscal 2018 to 2020.

“The Navy is responsible for modifying these V-22s into an HV-22 configuration for the COD mission,” the MOU states.

C-2A maker Northrop Grumman has proposed building a modernized version incorporating features of the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye tactical early warning aircraft.

The twin-engine turboprop C-2As carry cargo, mail and passengers between aircraft carriers and shore — a mission called COD for “carrier on-board delivery.” The first Greyhound prototypes flew in 1964.

Under the Jan. 5 MOU, the first dozen HV-22s would be taken from what would have been the Marine Corps share of V-22s built in fiscal 2018-20 under the prospective third multiyear contract.

Those first Navy V-22s will be replaced in the Marine Corps inventory in fiscal years 2021, 2022, and 2023 with a dozen Ospreys “that would have been allocated to the Navy,” the memo provides.
FokkerNews.nl in 2025...
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Re: Type chosen; the US Navy C-2A Greyhound is to be replace

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

Uhm, let's see if they can operate as long as with C-2A.
And in the same circumstances....
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Re: Type chosen; the US Navy C-2A Greyhound is to be replaced by

Post by Canberra TT.18 »

https://www.twz.com/news-features/cmv-2 ... est-report
CVM-22B not operationally suitable....
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