MO F15E 90-0255 arrived 29th and replaced either 90-0236 or 91-0319 (I think).
With the MOs most are actually tiger fin stripes rather than red/yellow. 87-0208/209 are red/yellow rest are tiger except 91-0600 (no stripe). I haven't confirmed 90-0236, 90-0242 and 91-0319 from pics yet.
SW F16C 01-7051 tig is an addition
CF-06 is 169924
CF-09 is 169614
AF-503 is 168389
NL-520 is 166855
NL-521 is 166933
NL-522 is 168375
Additional HH60Ws believed to be visitors or participants noted on 28th were:
20-14504, 21-14522, 21-14523, 21-14528. 21-14520 is also reported to be there but I haven't seen it yet