Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Stratofreighter »

Ejection seats and canopy refit


Jan 17, 2013

Photo report on work earlier this week to refit the ejection seats and then the cockpit canopy.

Seats arrive back to the hangar and are lowered gently onto their support frames.

Some photos at ... refit.html

And as shows the RIAT organisation very much would like to see Vulcan XH558 flying at RAF Fairford in 2013, her last year "displaying". per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Stratofreighter »

Apr 12, 2013

Every pound you donate in the next 7-days can be worth double - how?

A philanthropist has contacted us this week and has offered to make a single substantial donation on the criteria laid out below:

That his money be used to 'fund-match' a maximum of half of the existing April shortfall - worth some £32,500 at present.

That this offer is valid for 7-days from today and closes at midnight on Friday - 19th April. :!:

On this basis, he will double any online donation or funding share between now and then to his maximum funding limit.

This way, he hopes we can clear this month's target and be well ahead of funding; being another step along the road to the full season and that we can also continue the next steps in feasibility of the Flying Life Extension programme.

This is especially valid, as the current trend of approximately £2,000 a day will leave us some £25,000 short of our existing needs without this very kind offer.

We would like to thank the individual (who wishes to remain anonymous) most sincerely for this very generous gesture that clearly sets us a challenge we hope you can help maximise to the full potential. Thank you for any support you can give.

Any online donation made during the next 7 days will be 'fund-matched' and effectively :idea: turns £1 into £2, a £5 donation into £10 and a £25 share actually worth double - £50 towards helping XH558.

There are just two ways that can be counted easily in terms of our record keeping:

Online donation via E-Donate
using a card or Paypal

Online donation with the support of
a funding share in vital activities

Due to the processing time before we see the money in our account, we are not going to include text or postal donations in this campaign, although of course, we will still welcome them if that is your preferred option.

General merchandise sales in our web store are also not included in this offer of fund-matching.

It's the online systems that we can see straight away that count - allowing easy doubling of the figures added to our funding gauge each and every evening. So, can you help us?

As Avro Vulcan XH558 is planned to be grounded, probably forever, after November/autumn this year, there will be an end to all this "begging for yet more money". :wink: ... ation.html

Actually, just now I DID donate by Paypal... :idea: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Stratofreighter » ... -2013.html
May 21, 2013

photo feature from Saturday 18th May

The first flight of 2013! Thanks to all for your support!

After a long hard winter, all the fantastic public support and the terrific efforts of everyone on the Vulcan team, from the fundraisers to the engineers and office staff,
all XH558’s supporters were rewarded with her first flight of 2013 on Saturday 18th May.

This was a check flight undertaken to a set routine to make sure all the aircraft systems were working correctly and amongst the crew,
we were delighted to welcome once again,
CAA Chief Test Pilot, Paul Mulcahy, who would monitor the check flight.

After this, the aircraft climbed to high-level, at one point, reaching as high as 15,000 feet to undertake engine tests, all of which went smoothly.

Following a return to Doncaster, Martin Withers took over during a ‘hot’ change,
(where the engines remain running) for his own crew currency flight and, with Kev,
flew 3 practice displays over Elvington.

Feedback from Paul Mulcahy was that the aircraft is in “the best condition she's ever been.”

The two hour flight used up over £10,000 of fuel.

Can you help with a small donation to top-up her tanks for the next flight? per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by aviodromefriend »

They seem to be quite hopefull now, that they can go flying on until 2015.
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Stratofreighter »

The 2013 Season confirmed to date:
...listing the shows where Vulcan XH558 is to appear... per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Stratofreighter »

Jun 7, 2013

We launch Operation 2015

With your help, XH558 could fly in 2014 and 2015

In the autumn of 2012, we told XH558’s supporters that due to a range of complex technical issues, it was possible that 2013 would be her last display season. We are delighted to tell you now that, following a period of rigorous research that is a tremendous testament to the skills of XH558’s engineering team and our technical partners, we are planning an engineering programme that will allow XH558 to fly for full display seasons in both 2014 and 2015. Today, we are pleased to announce:

By launching this campaign, we are declaring our intent not only to secure two more additional display seasons after 2013, but to announce the ultimate finish to XH558’s time in the air at the end of 2015.

Over the same period, we will develop our plans for XH558’s longer-term future as the centre-piece of an educational and inspirational facility, ensuring that her restoration to flight and second flying career will result in a lasting legacy.

Please note that there are any number of new technical problems that could arise to stop XH558 flying in the meantime, but the team, as ever, will strive to overcome all issues that arise.

Operation 2015 is in two vital stages:
You'll find LOTS more at ... -2015.html :idea: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Vulcan XH558 : news, updates, developments, rumours

Post by Piet Luijken »

It flew at Manston!

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