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Post by Polecat »

For a typical day at Florennes, I need +/- 30 minutes to add keywords to the pictures. The more pictures you add to your database, the more keywords are added so the number of "new" keywords will be reduced.
Wow, that really is fast? As I wrote before, it is indeed a big help that LR knows what you mean after two characters, but still it is a lot of -indeed very rewarding- work.
I did the same with my slide collection, I want to be able to sort things out with various queries.

I do get a slower PC now and then, does anyone know how to speed-up Lightroom? Maybe virtual memory settings or so?
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Post by DJdeRidder »

Crizz wrote:To make your collection, you need to import all your maps as well right?
When you delete a imported map from LR, all keywords and photo's are gone from LR as well.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but you always need to import a folder or some photos to get them in Lightroom. They will appear in the 'Folders' menu. You should never delete a folder (unless you want to get rid of the photos)! Even if you added all your photos to Collections and Keywords you should keep all folders. If you find this confusing you can hide the Folders menu with your right-mouse button.
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Post by Polecat »

there has to be a first time for everything, so here a screenshot of what my Lightroom looks like.

I'm always open for tips and tricks, but as far as I know it is basically just a time-consuming job, but that was exactly the same with slides....

By the way, am I right that you can only add keywords to a group of pictures if they are in the same folder?

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Post by Redskin301 »

You are not correct, you can give keywords to single or groups of photos, it doesn't matter if they are i a different folder. They are in the same database :wink:
Regards Alex van Noye,
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Post by Polecat »

so if I select them in the filmstrip below (using Shift or Ctrl) I should be able to keyword them all the same? It seems logical to me, but somehow it doesn't work...
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Post by Arnold ten Pas »


Adding keywords to multiple pictures while in the Loupe (E) views that you show on your screenshot, doesn't work. However, it does work in the grid (G) view. Select the pictures on your desktop that need a certain keyword and you'll see it works.
Arnold ten Pas
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Post by sfeyenoord1 »

Discovered Lightroom as well :P I really enjoy the program, the editting of the pictures really is much easier then in PS! :P And the database is really nice, in the beginning its allot of work to sort everything out, but that really pays off!. I got 1 prob though; The editted pictures must be stored somewhere, but without exporting it i can not find it. Maybe the wrong topic ( ? ) but anybody knows how to solve it?
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Post by DJdeRidder »

sfeyenoord1 wrote:I got 1 prob though; The editted pictures must be stored somewhere, but without exporting it i can not find it. Maybe the wrong topic ( ? ) but anybody knows how to solve it?
The fun is you don't need to save your edited photos! Lightroom will remember each of your edit settings automatically. When you export the photo (i.e. for printing or publication online) Lightroom will apply all the edits you made, no matter if you edited the photo one minute ago or one year ago.
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Post by Iwan Bogels »

Hi guys,

Although I don't use Lightroom to add keywords to my shots, I did pay attention to this topic at the Lightroom course. What the instructor showed us was that you can externally create a TXT-document that can hold all necessary keywords, and import it in Lightroom software on every computer.

Isn't it about time that somebody sets up a "Master Keyword List" that would standardize sorting ? Now is the time, as everybody is still working on setting up their own standards and creating individual lists, and not too many shots have been tagged yet. I could create a "DAPPA World Standard" (big grin), but for some reason I think it would be better to make it the "Scramble World Keyword Standard", or SWKS for Lightroom.

By creating the perfect list, it would save people a lot of designing and typing, and support people to start their own database in Lightroom. And after first implementing the list, you just need to update the file every now and then to include new squadrons, types and location, and make it available to everybody in the aviation lightroom community.

After all, it would be perfect if one could just import all necessary keyword with one touch of a button.

Just some thoughts.....

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Post by Glidepath »

Custom made is niet slecht! sterker nog, het pakketje dat ik vroeger eens heb getest, voldeed niet, want niet flexibel. Ik heb het toen maar laten waaien, andere hebben het alten aanpassen, om vervolgens over te gaan op DBAse IV of later MS access. prefab? prima, maar wél modulair flexibel in te richten anders is niet nog niets waard. en dat merk je op een gegeven moment heus wel.
KOm, we gaan vliegtuigen fotograferen. die computer kan de boom in
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Post by ruudb »

Ik gebruik ook geen Lightroom om keywords toe te voegen, vind het nogal traag als je veel foto's en keywords in gebruik hebt. Ik voeg wel keywords en metadata toe in Bridge dat toch een stukje sneller werkt, vind ik. Heb voorbewerkte Metadata met hierop mijn naam plek waar ik de foto's genomen heb, copyright etcetera, dit voeg ik meteen toe aan de foto's als ik ze op mijn harde schijf zet. Verder gebruik ik als keywords (neem alleen foto's van civiele luchtvaart tot nog toe) de cd van Jp, copieer de vloten van maatschappijen die ik tegen kom, en kan zo zoeken op registratie, naam, serienummer, vlootnummer wat je maar wilt. Dit werkt goed naar mijn mening. Je typt in wat je van een bepaald toestel weet, bijvoorbeeld je alleen de naam lezen of zoals bij sommige amerikaanse maatschappijen een vlootnummer, dan kun je dit intypen en komt vanzelf registratie etcetera er aan te hangen.
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Post by Polecat »

Je typt in wat je van een bepaald toestel weet, bijvoorbeeld je alleen de naam lezen of zoals bij sommige amerikaanse maatschappijen een vlootnummer, dan kun je dit intypen en komt vanzelf registratie etcetera er aan te hangen.
that's why editing takes so long, (see screendump I posted) I want all info in the keywords so I can track and trace all pics well and create every query I would like......

Looking back, now that I'm a digispotter for almost a year I can already say that it has brought me a lot of fun. Building a structured collection (and making a quick slideshow) in LR is good fun, I'm afraid the slideprojector won't come out of the box many more times...
Adding keywords to multiple pictures while in the Loupe (E) views that you show on your screenshot, doesn't work. However, it does work in the grid (G) view. Select the pictures on your desktop that need a certain keyword and you'll see it works
Thanks for the tip, will try it tonite....
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Post by ruudb »

PP-LGO Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-10-30F 46921 / 214 N811SL 3 GE CF6-50C2 263084 Freighter GM-AC lsf PEGA / cvtd -30; this is my complete keyword so I can search under everything you can see here so even under engine type, serial number etcetera.
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Post by Polecat »

wow, you win! :shock:
That really is a lot of detail!! (but I'm not a keen engine-spotter :wink: )
Do you do that with a purpose if I may ask?

Great how everybody customises this programme.
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Post by ruudb »

Uummm, no it is just on the cd of JP, so I copy everything by airline to save time!
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